

english articles, stories and books related to memoir

Saving money is an important aspect of financial planning that can help individuals achieve their long-term financial goals. It involves setting aside a portion of one's income for future use, rather

Cricket is more than just a sport in India, it is a way of life. The love for cricket runs deep in the veins of every Indian, from the young to the old. It is a sport that unites the country and bring

Love life is a term that refers to an individual's romantic relationships and experiences. It encompasses everything from dating and courtship to marriage and long-term partnerships. Love life is an e

International Dance Day is celebrated every year on April 29th to raise awareness about the importance of dance and its role in promoting cultural diversity and unity. This day was established in 1982

Book reading is a wonderful habit that can enrich one's life in countless ways. It is an activity that offers not only entertainment but also knowledge, insight, and inspiration. Reading books can bro

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends. Howe

Sudan has been embroiled in a long-standing conflict that has resulted in the displacement of millions of people, widespread human rights abuses, and a humanitarian crisis. The war in Sudan has been r

Of all the things that we hold dear,Love stands out, both far and near.It's a feeling that we cannot ignore,A flame that burns forevermore.Love is the warmth on a winter's night,The ray of sunshine in

Humans are social animals so it becomes apparent for them to have an inclination towards wandering though not exactly the way animals do but in some sense; for our wandering is deemed as traveling.Tou

आईना बता कैसे उनका दिल चुराना हैधीर धीरे उनको अपना जो बनना हैउनके दिल मे रहना है उनकी नैनो में समाना हैमुझे उनके प्यार का हर सितम उठाना हैआईना बता कैसे उनका दिल चुराना है।आईना बता उनका कोई राज तूमुझको