
Jai Shri Krishna

6 September 2023

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An aura you create , a subtle peace on your face as you create melodious tunes from the flute the echoes all around. Divine, supreme, majestic is your personality which is a drastic comparison to your innocent , mischievous side as a child,' natkhat nand gopal, maakhan chor.' There is love and romance that you symbolise with the relationship you share with the 'gopis' all around. A friend you are very loyal and sincere, another trait so beautiful about your personality . A savior and protector character you portray too, which shields the good from the evil. 
Krishna , a name that is true to himself, today we worship you in different forms but as one . This festival of janmashtami is of celebration of someone with whom we connect in different forms but as one when we all say it out loud Jai Shri Krishna.

Daily articles
This contains articles which are part of the daily prompts provided, a challenge in itself to enhance and explore our creative side.