2 Books
Today again the answer to the Grievance has come from the Government. Cankers need to be reopened, Shown said
आंसूंओं के समुंदर में गोते लगाने के हुनरमंद ठहरे ये हुकुमराँ इनके आगे एक आध का आंसू बहाना लोकतंत्र की तौहीन है These rulers were capable of diving in the sea of tears Shedding tears o
No one listens to Sorrows , Qissa-e-gum occupies the heart Huh We definitely vote for you but don't think that everything is healed. "No one listens “ਗਮ ਪੜ੍ਹਾਉਣ ਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੁਣਦਾ, ਕਿੱਸਾ-
Happiness, blessings, blessings rain leaving my house God knows whose remote is in whose hands
Or Modi Sarvabhuteshu An institution of power Give a little, give a little, give something, the creator of India