
Is India truly a democratic country ?

8 August 2022

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What form of government no longer exists anywhere?

Moral Government ! Mostly governance is about power politics , mass manipulation and perpetuating status quo , these days . So a morally upright ruler who upholds the raj dharma is extinct now .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

Which country will grow faster, a democratic or a dictator?

Presuming that the growth in question concerns the economic prosperity / material wellbeing of the people , I will attempt to answer this question . The growth of wealth , prosperity or economic success of a nation state does not depend upon whether it is a democracy or a dictatorship . But it depen…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

Why should the Indian government need to change the basis of the definition of the minority?

The Indian government’s concept of minority is based upon the european sociological and anthropological theories which the colonizers employed to study the slave natives , hence its emphasis on the religious and ethnic “minority” groups and using them as tools to discriminate against the “majority”…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

We have made a mockery of parliamentary democracy by amending the constitution with anti-defection law. It stiffens inner party democracy and its provisions. What do you have to say?

Anyone who believes that india is a “democracy” is either delusional or tripping on some funny substance . India never was nor can ever be any democracy . Its a klyptocratic totalitarian state run by oligarchs .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

Is it the business of government to run business?

NO , the government's primary monopoly business is to sell affordable and universal law and order and to prevent monopolies in other sectors of economy .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

What are the steps taken by the government to improve healthcare?

Hilarious question , is this the “comedy night” side show on quora ?


Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

"When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening, foreign entity, it ignores the fact that in our democracy, government is us" - Barack Obama. How do you see this in the current situation in India? What do you got to say about it?

“Government is us - Barak Obama” The current situation in india or in any past situation of last 70 odd years ordinary indian (us) had as much say in the matters of governance (which impacts “us” directly) , as the fish in the Atlantic ocean have a say in the camel race in Saudi Arabia . It always wa…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

Why do people want democracy in India?

“Jugaad” is a very perceptive word in hindi . The political system that prevails in india can be accurately summed up as jugaad democracy . The story begins with the advent of British colonial state in india and their rather pragmatic approach towards governance . They appeased , cooped , outcasted…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)1y

Which government reform does India need the most?

“Reform” is perhaps an understatement if one is referring to the cure for the malaise of misgovernance in India . The system is rotten to the core and is beyond the scope of any reforms now .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Looking at defection, toppling of the state government, etc., is there a need to change the present type of democracy in India?

People get the government that they deserve and the indian public thoroughly deserve the government that rules over them . If they want the shift in governance it must be preceded by the shift in people's perceptions and attitudes and move above the brainwashing and colonized mindset . If they want…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Do taxpayers in India getting any benefits from government?

Oh yes , so many that they can't ever be thankful enough to the government for it . First and foremost the taxpayers must be thankful to the government for making them stronger by making everyone fend for themselves in the true spirit of the jungle raj and the survival of the fittest . They pay thro…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Why do Indian governments try to supress and curb rights of citizens while a democracy like US gives much freedom, protection and opportunities for its citizens? Why did the Indian government ban cotizens from taking photos or to see Rafale?

The citizens rights do not entitle anyone to see or take photographs of the sensitive military equipment . But as far as comparative status of citizens rights in India and US are concerned , there are significant differences between the two countries . These differences are not out of order as the U…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

How do we stop democracy from deteriorating into fascism?

Economic success of a nation is the key that keeps democracy succumbing to any of the “-isms” , fascism , socialism , communism .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Are staged encounters by the police good or bad for democracy?

I presume that this question is in the context of india . This is a facebook comment I wrote on the post of a facebook friend . We were discussing the Vikas Dubey encounter in UP . In my opinion staged encounters are a legitimate and logical part of a “democracy” like india . Whether its good or bad…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Is the government prepared to deal with school dropouts?

Absolutely , like it is prepared to deal with poverty , hunger , unemployment , lawlessness , corruption , CIVID 19 etc .


Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Are Chinese people eager to live in a democratic country?

People want peace , harmony , prosperity and happiness . Political freedom is the least of their concern . People will happily choose to live under an authoritative system if it fulfills their aspirations and strive to escape from a democracy if it fails them .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Is nepotism in democracy a boon or a bane?

It depends upon your definition of nepotism , democracy , boon and bane and their various permutations and combinations .…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Why is authority important in the government?

A government is a sweeper , a security guard , an umpire to resolve disputes and a custodian of common resources of the public to be utilised for the common good . It requires some sort if authority to execute these tasks . In a utopian society the state derives this authority from the will of the p…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Is the integrity of the present democratic system doubtful in India?

The system has absolutely zero integrity . The one who doesn't see this truth is either morally bankrupt or brain dead or both .


Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

How has democracy kept India united?

The “democracy” of india is a mere continuation of the colonial state and one thing it does pretty well is to maintain the status quo because it is useful for oligarchs to thrive . They employ the same old methods of divide and rule , appeasement and propaganda to make sure their useful idiots get e…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Is it true that morality and ethics are built on the foundation of religion?

Absolutely not , unless one is talking about the Abrahmic religions . Ethics and morality are the outcome of the inner enquiry into the nature of self . The self image or the perception of self and the relation it is perceived to have with the manifest or unmanifested reality that surrounds us gives…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Why can India and the world never trust China until it becomes a democracy?

Democracy has little to do with international diplomacy . Can india “trust” democracies like USA or UK ? This game is played behind smoke screen for the most part and outsiders cant see the whole picture of these shenanigans . When an ordinary citizen asks whether or not to “trust” a country he is a…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Democracy or Communism? Which is best for modern world?

Neither , as both have a proclivity of descending towards oligarchy and entail mass manipulation of people's perceptions through propaganda and misinformation . Both evolve from the Christian doctrine of eminent domain and king can do no wrong thus relegating the individual “subject” to a subservien…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

What view equates morality with self-interest?

Ethical egoism is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to act in their own self interest . That means a creature who has the ability to discern right from wrong and owns the responsibility for his actions ought to act in self interest . The important word here is ought , which here…

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Prabhakar Goswami

Studied at University of Lucknow (Graduated 1998)2y

Is India really a democratic country?

Originally Answered: Is India truly democratic? Why or why not?

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Take the example of two friends , you may call them A and B . They study in the same class of the same school . They share similar aptitudes and score identical marks in examinations , which at best are average . One may call them regular average students in india . They go through their schooling and college in a sleepwalking fashion . After completing graduation and having acquired no special skill or knowledge in all these years opt for teacher's training because of their low grades that's the easiest thing they can get into . They go through this training in the familiar uninspired sleepwalking fashion acquiring no special knowledge or skill along the way . Both apply for the job of teachers in the government run primary schools because it gives the highest salaries and there are few private schools in their sleepy little town . Despite all these similarities there are a few (major) differences in the situation of A and B . A's financial situation is rather precarious . His father is a small time employees in a local shop and his salary hardly makes the ends meet for a family of four . Besides his health is also failing him hence there is tremendous pressure on A to contribute to the family's income . B's father on the other hand works for the irrigation department of the state government and makes more than enough to lead a comfortable life . In addition to his salary he also makes other income (oopri kamai) which is a norm rather than an exception for the government babu of his rank . Incidentally , A belongs to the “upper caste” and B belong to the “scheduled caste” in the government jargon .


A now lives in a metropolitan city . He had to migrate there from his home town after his father died four years ago . The family's financial condition was in dire straits as he had no job . He struggled for a couple of years in the big city doing odd jobs here and there , eventually getting a job in a private school (thanks to his teaching qualification) . With somewhat stable income he has rented a one room apartment and now his mother and sister also live with him . Had he got the government job of primary teacher he would not have to leave his place and come hundreds of kilo meters to live in this alien city , but it was not to be . He's the sole earning member of his family and has to take care of his mother and sister . He gets up early and leaves his house at 6.30 in the morning to reach the school at 7:30 sharp which is around 20 kilo meters away from his place . He tries his best to educate his students and is very competent and hard working . He has to be because his is a private job , here you have to perform or you perish . After the school hours he takes a few private tuitions to make some extra money . Along with his salary and private tuitions he makes 12000 rupees a month .

B has now become a hotshot . He is considered to be a wealthy man by people in his locality . He lives in the same place that his father had built years ago but has made significant modifications in it . Last five years have past very smoothly for him after he got the government job of the assistant primary teacher in the government run school . Initially his posting was in the neighbouring district but his father got him transferred to his hometown using his influence (and moolah) in a couple of years . His starting salary was around 45000 rupees which has now increased to around 60000 rupees . But he hardly needs to touch his salary which is credited to his bank account on the first of every month unfailingly . Fortune has favoured him and he made some good profit in the real estate deals a few years back and now his property dealing business is up and running . He has also established a private school in the name of his wife (yes he got married) which is making good profit for him . A typical day starts for him at 10 am when he gets out of his bed and treads for his slippers and his wife serves him tea , smiles and sunshine . He goes to the government primary school only once or twice a week to mark his attendance for the whole week as there is not much academic activity in the government run schools . Most of his working hours are spent in closing property deals or managing his own private school . For him india is heaven on earth , a sone ki chidia , the vishva guru . His smirk of contentment says it all .

Moral of the story , you can call a donkey by the name of a horse , paint the donkey in the colour of a horse , do the cosmetic surgery to make him look like a horse but the donkey will sing its own song the moment it opens its mouth . India never was nor it can ever become a democracy just by calling itself a democracy as it lacks the sine qua non of a democracy that is :


It is a for the state , by the state and of the state oligarchy running the business of redistribution of wealth by placating or co-opting certain sections in the name of caste creed religion or occupation and keep the coffers ringing for the klyptocrates .

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