3 November 2022
My book consists the details of daily writing competition, I write article related to the daily challenges.D
some day I wake and my earth will free from pollution,I hope this dream will true by the man likes angel.
New idea is a bud and innovation is a bloosom flower,it's sparking when use by man for growth very earlier.
How dreadful the incidents happen in Gujrat by mistaken,God's gifted people reach finally God destination without permission.
I don't know what's t impacts on someone's life,I hope old days back when people connected to heart.
India is a largest democracy with unity in diversity,still there are some inequality faces between racism, religion, caste etc.
poverty, unemployment, stress on natural source,all are the porblems because of over population.
My last wish is that God fulfil my all wishes,I get bowl of grief and dishes of happiness.
Honour killing is really a curse for human being,innocence may be hang on without any reason.
health is always very ignorant subject for world,when if it is always priority for our nation as world.