
Exploring the self

30 September 2022

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Now-a-days, it's kind a rare phenomenon in one'life. Yes, a day without internet. Whether alone or not, we get to make the day worthier, I believe, without Internet. Either, we get to enjoy our solitude to the fullest, brimming in sublime, may be an extraordinary self- talk. Or, we get to know others much more, conversing with them and relishing the relationships. A day without internet may trace happiness, yes, happy little boughs, true love, honest relationships and so on. Rather than indulged on the screen and in the virtual world, it's an opportunity to bask in the sweet delights of brave real world. Our concentration and attention also improves with spending our precious time to ourselves. 

            Getting a day off all those virtual world, we get to know ourselves more. Make something creative,may be read or write or even create a masterpiece delights our inner soul help us cope up with the self-consciousness.

             Think about beginning a day, with a hot yum coffee and then gardening, maybe! Oh, what marvelous moment, we may get to relish in the good vibes of morning! Then, read something and then may be some discipline? May be cleaning? Wow, settling into a more disciplined life can also be achieved , staying away from the virtual world! So for a day sometimes, focus on the world around you and brim in joy with exploring your inner-self.


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