Shabd Book -

Evolution of Pragmatism in India

Scott R. Stroud

2 Chapters
Bought by 1 people
10 Readers
Completed on 24 March 2023
ISBN : 9789356991101
Also available on Amazon Flipkart

In The Evolution of Pragmatism in India, Scott R. Stroud delivers a comprehensive exploration of the influence of John Dewey’s pragmatism on Bhimrao Ambedkar, architect of the Republic of India’s constitution. Stroud traces Ambedkar’s development in Dewey’s Columbia University classes in 1913–1916 through his final years in 1950s India when he rewrote the story of Buddhism. Stroud examines pragmatism’s influence not only on the philosophical ideas underpinning Ambedkar’s fight against caste oppression but also how his persuasive techniques drew on pragmatism’s commitment to reconstruction and meliorism. At the same time, Stroud is careful to point out the ways that Ambedkar pushed back against Dewey’s paradigm and developed his own approach to challenges in India. The result is a nuanced study of one of the most important figures in Indian history. 


An inspiring book that has such good lessons from history. Loved it. A story about the Development of Pragmatism in India and a thorough examination of the impact of pragmatism on Bhimrao Ambedkar, the creator of the Constitution of the Republic of India. Stroud follows Ambedkar's progression from his early years in Dewey's Columbia University classes in the 1950s, when he rewrote the history of Buddhism. Stroud looks at how pragmatism influenced Ambedkar's fight against caste injustice in terms of both his persuasive strategies and the commitment to reconstruction and meliorism of the movement. At the same time, Stroud takes care to highlight the ways in which Ambedkar rejected Dewey's paradigm and created his own strategy for dealing with problems in India. The outcome is a complex examination of one of the most amazing books out there.

"The Evolution of Pragmatism in India" by Scott R Stroud is a philosophical exploration of the pragmatic movement in India. The book examines the historical and cultural context of pragmatism in India, and how it has evolved over time. Stroud argues that pragmatism in India has been shaped by a variety of factors, including the country's colonial history, its religious and cultural traditions, and its political and social struggles. He also explores the contributions of Indian philosophers to the development of pragmatism, including figures such as Rabindranath Tagore and B.R. Ambedkar. The book offers a nuanced and insightful analysis of the role of pragmatism in Indian philosophy, and its relevance to contemporary debates in areas such as politics, ethics, and social justice. It will be of interest to anyone interested in the intersection of philosophy, culture, and society in India.


In The Evolution of Pragmatism in India, Scott R. Stroud delivers a comprehensive exploration of the influence of John Dewey’s pragmatism on Bhimrao Ambedkar, architect of the Republic of India’s constitution. Stroud traces Ambedkar’s development in Dewey’s Columbia University classes in 1913–1916 through his final years in 1950s India when he rewrote the story of Buddhism. Stroud examines pragmatism’s influence not only on the philosophical ideas underpinning Ambedkar’s fight against caste oppression but also how his persuasive techniques drew on pragmatism’s commitment to reconstruction and meliorism. At the same time, Stroud is careful to point out the ways that Ambedkar pushed back against Dewey’s paradigm and developed his own approach to challenges in India. The result is a nuanced study of one of the most important figures in Indian history.