Meaning of சூத்திரம் in English
- A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or conventional method in which anything is to be done, arranged, or said.
- A written confession of faith; a formal statement of foctrines.
- A rule or principle expressed in algebraic language; as, the binominal formula.
- A prescription or recipe for the preparation of a medicinal compound.
- A symbolic expression (by means of letters, figures, etc.) of the constituents or constitution of a compound.
- Stated; prescribed; ritual.
- A book containing stated and prescribed forms, as of oaths, declarations, prayers, medical formulaae, etc.; a book of precedents.
- Prescribed form or model; formula.
- A set or prescribed model; a formula.
- A precept; an aphorism; a brief rule.
- A collection of such aphorisms.
- A body of Hindoo literature containing aphorisms on grammar, meter, law, and philosophy, and forming a connecting link between the Vedic and later Sanscrit literature.
Meaning of சூத்திரம் in English
English usage of சூத்திரம்
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