Shabd Book -


Yuval Noah Harari

2 Chapters
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Completed on 14 July 2023
ISBN : 9780099590088
Also available on Amazon Flipkart

Seventy thousand years ago, there were at least six different human species on earth. They were insignificant animals, whose ecological impact was less than that of fireflies or jellyfish. Today, there is only one human species left: Us. Homo sapiens. But we rule this planet. Sapiens, the book, takes us on a breath-taking ride through our entire human history, from its evolutionary roots to the age of capitalism and genetic engineering, to uncover why we are the way we are. Sapiens focuses on key processes that shaped humankind and the world around it, such as the advent of agriculture, the creation of money, the spread of religion and the rise of the nation state. Unlike other books of its kind, Sapiens takes a multi-disciplinary approach that bridges the gaps between history, biology, philosophy and economics in a way never done before. Furthermore, taking both the macro and the micro view, Sapiens conveys not only what happened and why, but also how it felt for individuals. 


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a groundbreaking and thought-provoking book that invites readers on an intellectual journey through the annals of human history. Yuval Noah Harari's ability to synthesize a vast range of disciplines and present them in a cohesive and engaging manner is truly remarkable. Sapiens challenges us to reconsider our assumptions about ourselves, our history, and our future, urging us to grapple with the profound questions that define our existence. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of humanity's collective past and its implications for the world we inhabit today.

A must read book and highly recommended. There were at least six different human species living on earth seventy thousand years ago. They were insignificant creatures with a less ecological impact than firefly or jellyfish. We are the sole remaining members of the human species. Human species. But we are in charge of this world. In order to understand why we are the way we are, the book Sapiens takes us on an exhilarating journey across the entirety of human history, from its evolutionary beginnings to the age of capitalism and genetic engineering. In Sapiens, major historical events including the emergence of agriculture, the invention of money, the spread of religion, and the formation of the nation state are highlighted.

"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari is a thought-provoking exploration of humanity's evolution. Harari skillfully weaves anthropology, history, and biology to trace the journey of Homo sapiens from ancient times to the modern era. He challenges conventional narratives, highlighting the role of collective beliefs and societal constructs. While critics mention occasional oversimplification, the book's ability to engage a wide audience is undeniable. "Sapiens" encourages readers to reflect on the impact of human actions on our world and invites contemplation about the future of our species. It's a captivating and enlightening read that reshapes our perspective on history and humanity.

"Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari is a thought-provoking exploration of Homo sapiens' evolution, combining anthropology, biology, and history. It delves into key milestones like the Cognitive Revolution, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions, offering profound insights into human societies and the world. Harari's engaging writing style makes complex ideas accessible, making it a fascinating exploration for history buffs and casual readers.

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