
Monthly Bestseller Competition January 2023

29 July 2022

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Hello Booklouses,

We here at Shabd have a great news for you. We’re organizing a monthly January Bestseller Book writing competition for all you writers out there and not only that, you can win the book publishing expert package worth Rs 25000.  And if you think that’s the only goodie, well that’s not all. We will also publish your book in a paperback print give you ten author copies with Amazon and Flipkart listing. That’s not all, we’ll provide book reviewers and promotion for your book all over social media.

To participate in the competition, register yourself for free on platform:

Shabd Registration

Terms and conditions of participation in the competition: -

●This competition will start from 01st January, 2023.

●The last date to mark the book complete will be 31th January, 2023. Books marked complete after this will not qualify for competition.

●While making a book, it is mandatory to select the type of book “Book Competition”

●You have to keep the book as paid in the competition, with a royalty of 30-60rs as mandatory.

●Your copyright should be on the book.

●You can write a book on any subject and in any genre.

●The book could be in any genre, but all the articles in that book should be in one genre.

●Your creation should be original (on which only you have copy right). And the articles published in it

should not have been published anywhere before.

●If the genre of your book is related to prose, then the word limit should be minimum 10000 words and if it is related to poetry then minimum 5000 words should be there.

●You will be given time from 01st February 2022 till 28 February, 2023 for promotions.

How The Winner Would Be Selected?

To ensure a fair chance for all, we have appointed our esteemed readers as our judges. The book with maximum sales would be rewarded with the prize. The last decision lies with the Shabd team.

Result will be announced on 3rd Mar, 2023

click here to  view the results for Monthly Bestseller Competition November 2022. 

click here to  view the results for Monthly Bestseller Competition October2022.

●  click here to  view the results for Monthly Bestseller Competition September 2022. 

●  click here to  view the results for Monthly Bestseller Competition august 2022.

What’s the prize for you in the competetion?

The winner will get the publishing expert package worth of Rs 25000 as a prize, with book in paperback printing, 10 author copies, free Amazon, Flipkart and other e-book sites listing, book reviewing, promotions and marketing of your book.

For more details join our WhatsApp group


Question- Can I participate from the middle of the competition?

Answer- Yes. You can.

Question- Can I give my already published works in the competition?

Answer- Yes, but the creations should be your original works with your


Question- Can I give more than one book in the contest?

Answer- Yes, you can if you wish.

Question- Can a writer participate in the contest in more than one

category? For example, can I publish my multiple works in multiple categories

like stories, novels, poems?

Answer-Yes, you can publish as many books you want and in as many

categories you like.

Question- Can I write in any category or any one category is reserved for

this competition?

Answer- You can write on any category as you desire.

Question- The books that will win will be published in hard copies?

Answer- Yes, will choose 2 winners, and they will get their books published in hard copies.

Question- Can I publish my book part by part or do I publish it all at


Answer- It depends upon the writer. If the writer will publish the book

part by part it will keep the interest of the reader. You can submit the book in the month its completed as this competition is carried out every month.

Question- How can I upload the cover picture of my book?

Answer- If you’ve already published your book then go to your books and

choose the book you want to upload your cover picture, choose edit and then you

can upload the cover picture.

Question- Is there a word limit?

Answer- Yes, for Poetry the minimum word limit is 5000 words, for

literature the word limit is 10000 words minimum. There is a minimum word limit

but not any maximum upper limit in words.

Neeta Arora

Neeta Arora

Plz let me know about the next competition as I'm late for the September event.Thanks. I'm immensely interested in doin something on this platform

29 September 2022

कृष्ण मोहन अग्रवाल

कृष्ण मोहन अग्रवाल

How to upload my already published book, pdf formation?

18 September 2022

Mamina Routray

Mamina Routray

Also, if my book can not be completed within a month, is it still eligible for publish for the competition?

8 September 2022

Mamina Routray

Mamina Routray

If I have posted some of my earlier chapters of my book in another platform, then can I join the competition and publish the book in

8 September 2022



Where to write for competition

7 September 2022

Aditi Lahiry

Aditi Lahiry

Dear team Shabd , I don't understand the exact meaning of what it means to pay Rs 30 to 60 for royalty as mentioned under the contest's terms and conditions for August book publishing competition.

13 August 2022



मेरी सहायता करे अभी मेरे को इसमें कुछ नहीं आता। आज की नया अकाउंट बनाया है। इसमे क्या करना है आप बताओ

7 August 2022



I'm fresr

7 August 2022



I'm interested

7 August 2022

Competitions Information
In this book you will get all the information of competition organizing by