
Our Daughters

30 March 2023

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Your lovely smile Dear, is divinity personified,
That offends the summer breeze from the seas;
For the breeze soothes the outer body alone,
But fails to quench the thirst deep beneath.

Your sweet words, Dearest, come from the Heavens,
As if to shower HIS blessings on the aching heart;
Burning under the heat of stress and strain,
That every poor father bears day and night.

Your silky touch, My Queen, is not less than mother's,
Left long past in the journey of life behind ;                                   

Comes as it does like a magician's wand ,

Vanishing sorrows as if dry leaves fly by the wind.

Viswamitra (16.10.2022)

My Musings
A collection of my poems written on random topics. I hope others may find them interesting as well. ViswamitraTripathy