
I AM...?

26 August 2022

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Hey HI...

You don't know me but I am human like you...

The various(very odd) all call me with that name...

I am the girl, have so many boundaries and identities like a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, working woman!

The very full life, a woman or a lady is only nourished by people to fit in this all roles very carefully! And if in this nourishment, a lady makes any mistakes then she will be boycotted by all...WHY ?

If one can expect from a lady then she can too expect something from that one! She is Human yar.......

A woman never ever ( again I say never ever) denies to play her important roles of her life...infact, she is ready to give her everything selflessly to fit in that role, then why you always finger on her if she reacts or make any mistake when the things are not right with her ? This is She, who thinks about all but forget about her own.....just want to give transformation to this awesome ladies who are handling their homes as well as work space make them aware to blossom their selves also!

Nowadays I am an aspiring Image Consultant and Aspiring Soft-Skills Trainer...I am on way to help people to be their trueself, not the one who impress others! I mean what you gain while and after you impress others ? Can you tell me ? You are just trying to fit in those people..right ? But no, while doing that, you are loosing yourself! Whether You are Male or Female, I just want to tell you that be yourself first...because if you can't then you never achieve what you want, nor able to be with your loved once!  First they don’t like you but after then they will cherish you when you are something in your life...Trust Me Buddy!

As I tell an Aspiring Image Consultant, I can help you to be best by your Outer Appearance as well as can help you to polish your inner Skills(Soft-Skills)-- this both inner and outer appearance help you to bloom your personality in the best way...when you are confident enough by your look and when you have enough self-belief and skills to complete your goals...then you are ready to fit in your vision of how you want to be!

And if you want to know more about how can I work on outer appearance and inner Skills then stay tuned with my all blogs!

Last but not the least, just want to tell you...Don't fit in others' Frame, create your own Frame to live, My dear!!!

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