Shabd Book -


R C Majumdar

5 Chapters
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Completed on 7 December 2023

The book shows the importance of the spirit of cooperation in contributing to the highly developed stage of civilization. It emphasizes the significance of corporate activity in various aspects of life, including social, religious, political, and economic spheres. The book asserts that the modern age owes much of its progress to the cooperation and corporate endeavors seen in popular government and economic organizations worldwide. It then turns attention to ancient India, stating that while the country is presently backward in corporate culture, historical evidence suggests a different scenario in the past. The spirit of cooperation was prevalent in ancient India, evident in social structures like 'jati' (caste) and the Buddhist monk community, as well as political entities like 'Gana' (political corporation) and 'S'reni' (guild). The study aims to shed light on ancient India's corporate activities in public life, offering a historical account of various institutions. It also aims to broaden perspectives on the achievements of people in ancient India, suggesting that religion did not monopolize public attention. The book acknowledges that the subject has not been extensively covered by other writers. It briefly outlines the content of each chapter, highlighting the author's original contributions to the understanding of ancient India's corporate life. It draws from Brahmanical and Buddhist texts, providing a rough chronology for these sources. However, the focus is on the corporate aspects of these texts rather than debating their exact historical dating. Therefore the book asserts that it has a singular focus on the light these ancient texts shed on corporate life in ancient India, and any omissions are intentional if they don't contribute to this perspective. 


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