
Censored metaphor by Horia Enescu (Romania)

28 May 2022

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I'm glancing at you
in the extension of my palms,
feeling you soft,
like the whisper of an echo.
Shyly kissing you,
your hungry lips
I counted at random
how many times have I kissed you
until night smashed
in censored metaphors.
I split the time into two of us,
In two companions is still being strived,
until the sun snowed in the summer
and now I can look neutral
all seasons.
When it comes to you
do you think I can be a spectator?
Just to applaud
when you caress your thighs
lips and ankles?
No, I'm hiding your smile
in my fearful beam
until you breathe
in my past wanderings.
When you were crying
on the verge of longing,
you loved me immorally
taking imaginary dreams out of me.
Digging in the palms
your deep kisses
I spelled word for word
and every reflection.


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