Shabd Book -

Bride at Ten, Mother at Fifteen

Sethu Ramaswamy

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Completed on 23 January 2023
ISBN : 9788123762616
Also available on Amazon

The Importance of present autobiography by Sethu Ramaswamy stems from the fact that it is written by an ordinary housewife who views her life and times through the prism of the commonplace and the commonsensical. Extremely well-written and evocative, the book is divided into three sections and in each the author desribes a distinct way of life. In the first section, the author delineates her childhood, the extended family and friends and their way of life, Sinhalese practice and her elaborate wedding rituals. The second section describes life in her in -law's house in Trivandrum. The last section tells about her life in Delhi. ज़्यादा पढ़ें 


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