
Aging : - Fourth station.

26 July 2022

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Passing the three stations of life, the train reached the fourth station. Get down here, stop worrying, let go of tension.

1) At station 1st , we found -- toys, cradles, bottles, rugs, someone makes us laugh, someone makes us cry, father's shoulder, mother's sari, came education, strict teachers, a hundred units - walker, lunch boxes, uniforms, briefcases, railway lines tobe crossed, dusty roads, green fields, uncle's well, grandfather's farm, dhinga-masti on the last bench, teacher's stick, arrived slowly at the board level, guide, test, tuition, to clear metric, I used trick-did coping in exam paper, had fun in college, goggles, high collar, in an attempt to be romantic got slapped, got graduate certificate, that raised parents' interest, wanted to run and got slopey road, soon I got married.

2) Then came Youth Station, income-expenses, milk-vegetable and ration, did something here and there but didn't succeed, rhen accepted the job, so life started sailing,  arrival of children, the dawn of beautiful life started, mall hands, smiling face, shining eyes, the whole house  in turmoil, they have sound sleep but keeping others waking up, now life was stable, understanding was serious, learned a little humanity, learned to preserve relationships, learned to be afraid of wrongdoing, learned to help more than anyone, man is called Siddhahastha, I am called Sadgruhastha, life partner supported, friends helped from falling, God mercy showed path, finally the third station came ....

3 ) The station of maturity came, the mind is good but little tired, the power of persuasion came, the instinct of compromise came, the vision of everyone's interest came, the 'self' was replaced by the "all", taking precautionary measures, making arrangements for the future, health insurance, bank savings, future expenses, executed children's responsibilities, enjoyed those events, first left the worries, then reduced the rush, went from the midsea to the shore slowly. Released from what kept busy, took opportunity to untie the knots, took opportunity for self-discovery, fulfilled responsibilities, also drank a cup of love, troubled, but nowhere did cheating, new  spectacles came on the eyes, some  teeth also fell, funnysoundsin ears, hair was applied black die, appearance showed signal of aging, train enters the station 4th......

4 ) The train reached the fourth station after passing three stations of life, Get out here, stop worrying, let go of tension, come to this fourth station, brother, with less luggage, let go of infatuation, bring only harmony, put down the ark of counsel, speak in the words of love, don't criticize today's rituals, don't applaud 'our time', the world is moving forward, take a few steps if possible, learn a little bit about mobile, there is a bank, there is a school, there is a market, there are thousands of different types of photos and videos understand a little bit, know that happiness is immense, from video calling children, what if there is WhatsApp. Worked for years, body now wants rest, exercise lightly, keep the body energized, Keep the mind active by reading, meditating, memorizing, writing, taste the ecstasy of yoga, prayer, bhajan-shravana, leave materiliastic world, person, organization, degree, let go of all those grips, nothing stops in the world, break the bed of fascination yourself, brought nothing with us, nothing to take with us, what we got here, we have to give back here, wherever we go, this money is useless, without love, virtue, good deeds, sadhana, devotion, there is no name, so relax and go to the Lord, take it with refuge in love, tell the Lord you want to stay there only now , request Him not to send you again on the station one!

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