
Indian economy 2023-24

english articles, stories and books related to Indian economy 2023-24

                         धर्म  का  गीत आज मनुष्य की मनुष्यता पर सवालों का पहाड़ टूट पड़ा है , यह सवाल न केवल अंदर तक चीर कर रख देते हैं बल्कि कई बार शक करने पर मजबूर कर देता की यह जीव जो दशकों से

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S&P Global Ratings recently projected India's ascent to becoming the world's third-largest economy by 2030, highlighting the nation's potential to emerge as the fastest-growing major economy i

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In recent times, the buzz around India's economic progression has intensified, with speculations suggesting that India might have crossed the $4-trillion threshold in terms of Gross Domestic Pro

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