Meaning of క్విల్ in English
- To spend time in trifling employments, or to attend to useful subjects in an indifferent or superficial manner; to dawdle.
- Alt. of Quiddler
- One of the large feathers of a bird's wing, or one of the rectrices of the tail; also, the stock of such a feather.
- A pen for writing made by sharpening and splitting the point or nib of the stock of a feather; as, history is the proper subject of his quill.
- A spine of the hedgehog or porcupine.
- The pen of a squid. See Pen.
- The plectrum with which musicians strike the strings of certain instruments.
- The tube of a musical instrument.
- Something having the form of a quill
- The fold or plain of a ruff.
- A spindle, or spool, as of reed or wood, upon which the thread for the woof is wound in a shuttle.
- A hollow spindle.
- To plaint in small cylindrical ridges, called quillings; as, to quill a ruffle.
- To wind on a quill, as thread or yarn.
- See Querl.
Meaning of క్విల్ in English
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