
Meaning of முன்கூட்டியே in English

  • To bring forward; to move towards the van or front; to make to go on.
  • To raise; to elevate.
  • To raise to a higher rank; to promote.
  • To accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward; to help on; to aid; to heighten; as, to advance the ripening of fruit; to advance one's interests.
  • To bring to view or notice; to offer or propose; to show; as, to advance an argument.
  • To make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten.
  • To furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due, or in aid of an enterprise; to supply beforehand; as, a merchant advances money on a contract or on goods consigned to him.
  • To raise to a higher point; to enhance; to raise in rate; as, to advance the price of goods.
  • To extol; to laud.
  • To move or go forward; to proceed; as, he advanced to greet me.
  • To increase or make progress in any respect; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in years, in price.
  • To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred or promoted.
  • The act of advancing or moving forward or upward; progress.
  • Improvement or progression, physically, mentally, morally, or socially; as, an advance in health, knowledge, or religion; an advance in rank or office.
  • An addition to the price; rise in price or value; as, an advance on the prime cost of goods.
  • The first step towards the attainment of a result; approach made to gain favor, to form an acquaintance, to adjust a difference, etc.; an overture; a tender; an offer; -- usually in the plural.
  • A furnishing of something before an equivalent is received (as money or goods), towards a capital or stock, or on loan; payment beforehand; the money or goods thus furnished; money or value supplied beforehand.
  • Before in place, or beforehand in time; -- used for advanced; as, an advance guard, or that before the main guard or body of an army; advance payment, or that made before it is due; advance proofs, advance sheets, pages of a forthcoming volume, received in advance of the time of publication.
  • of Forebode
  • To shut up or out; to preclude; to stop; to prevent; to bar; to exclude.
  • of Foreclose
  • The act or process of foreclosing; a proceeding which bars or extinguishes a mortgager's right of redeeming a mortgaged estate.
  • of Forego
  • That may be foreknown.
  • Holding or held formerly in possession.
  • Preoccupied; prepossessed; preengaged.
  • Promised beforehand; preengaged.
  • Named or recited before.
  • Called to mind previously.
  • To turn before; to precede; to be in advance of (something following).
  • To come before as an earnest of something to follow; to introduce as a harbinger; to announce.
  • To see beforehand; to have prescience of; to foreknow.
  • To provide.
  • To have or exercise foresight.
  • To seize beforehand.
  • The past; the time before the present.
  • Not ready.
  • Offhand; without previous study; extemporaneous; extempore; as, an impromptu verse.
  • Something made or done offhand, at the moment, or without previous study; an extemporaneous composition, address, or remark.
  • A piece composed or played at first thought; a composition in the style of an extempore piece.
  • To act beforehand; to perform previously.
  • Preceding; antecedent; previous.
  • The limit or exterior line encompassing a place; a boundary; a confine; limit of jurisdiction or authority; -- often in the plural; as, the precincts of a state.
  • A district within certain boundaries; a minor territorial or jurisdictional division; as, an election precinct; a school precinct.
  • A parish or prescribed territory attached to a church, and taxed for its support.
  • of Preclude
  • The act of precluding, or the state of being precluded; a shutting out.
  • Ripe or mature before the proper or natural time; early or prematurely ripe or developed; as, precocious trees.
  • Developed more than is natural or usual at a given age; exceeding what is to be expected of one's years; too forward; -- used especially of mental forwardness; as, a precocious child; precocious talents.
  • In a precocious manner.
  • The quality or state of being precocious; untimely ripeness; premature development, especially of the mental powers; forwardness.
  • Alt. of Precocity
  • To conceive, or form an opinion of, beforehand; to form a previous notion or idea of.
  • of Preconceive
  • To approve by preconization.
  • Of or pertaining to a state before consciousness.
  • Situated in front of the heart; of or pertaining to the praecordia.
  • Situated in front of the leg or thigh; as, the precrural glands of the horse.
  • Living by prey; predatory.
  • To date anticipation; to affix to (a document) an earlier than the actual date; to antedate; as, a predated deed or letter.
  • To design or purpose beforehand; to predetermine.
  • A term used by Sir William Hamilton to define propositions having their quantity indicated by a verbal sign; as, all, none, etc.; -- contrasted with preindesignate, defining propositions of which the quantity is not so indicated.
  • Of or pertaining to predestination; as, the predestinarian controversy.
  • One who believes in or supports the doctrine of predestination.
  • To decree beforehand; to foreordain; to predestinate.
  • Consisting of land or farms; landed; as, predial estate; that is, real estate.
  • Attached to land or farms; as, predial slaves.
  • Issuing or derived from land; as, predial tithes.
  • To elect or choose beforehand.
  • To dispose or incline beforehand; to give a predisposition or bias to; as, to predispose the mind to friendship.
  • To make fit or susceptible beforehand; to give a tendency to; as, debility predisposes the body to disease.
  • of Predispose
  • To foredoom.
  • To settle upon (public land) with a right of preemption, as under the laws of the United States; to take by preemption.
  • The act or right of purchasing before others.
  • The privilege or prerogative formerly enjoyed by the king of buying provisions for his household in preference to others.
  • The right of an actual settler upon public lands (particularly those of the United States) to purchase a certain portion at a fixed price in preference to all other applicants.
  • of Preempt
  • Pertaining to preemption.
  • of Preengage
  • To erect beforehand.
  • Mature or ripe before the proper time; as, the premature fruits of a hotbed.
  • Happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper or usual time; adopted too soon; too early; untimely; as, a premature fall of snow; a premature birth; a premature opinion; premature decay.
  • Arriving or received without due authentication or evidence; as, a premature report.
  • The quality or state of being premature; early, or untimely, ripeness; as, the prematurity of genius.
  • To think on, and revolve in the mind, beforehand; to contrive and design previously; as, to premeditate robbery.
  • To think, consider, deliberate, or revolve in the mind, beforehand.
  • Premeditated; deliberate.
  • of Premeditate
  • of Premise
  • Of or pertaining to a premunire; as, a premunitory process.
  • Forenamed; named beforehand.
  • To forename; to name beforehand; to tell by name beforehand.
  • To pay in advance, or beforehand; as, to prepay postage.
  • In a preponderating manner; preponderantly.
  • Payable.
  • Same as Preteritness.
  • The quality or state of being past.
  • The act of passing by or omitting; omission.
  • See Preterition.
  • To pass by; to omit; to disregard.
  • of Pretermit
  • In a preternatural manner or degree.
  • of Pretypify
  • The office jurisdiction of a proconsul, or the term of his office.
  • Extravagance in expenditure, particularly of money; excessive liberality; profusion; waste; -- opposed to frugality, economy, and parsimony.
  • To act as a prodigal; to spend liberally.
  • To expend lavishly.
  • In a prodigal manner; with profusion of expense; extravagantly; wasteful; profusely; lavishly; as, an estate prodigally dissipated.
  • In a proleptical manner.
  • A creeping on.
  • of Prorogue

Meaning of முன்கூட்டியே in English

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