Meaning of ભરતકામ in English
- The act or art of an emblazoner; heraldic or ornamental decoration, as pictures or figures on shields, standards, etc.; emblazonment.
- To emblossom.
- To cover or adorn with blossoms.
- To boil with anger; to effervesce.
- To cause to boil with anger; to irritate; to chafe.
- A mineral consisting of both the chloride and the bromide of silver.
- To take into, or place in, the bosom; to cherish; to foster.
- To inclose or surround; to shelter closely; to place in the midst of something.
- The act of forming bosses or raised figures, or the state of being so formed.
- A bosslike prominence; figure in relief; raised work; jut; protuberance; esp., a combination of raised surfaces having a decorative effect.
- of Embowel
- An attempt to influence a court, jury, etc., corruptly, by promises, entreaties, money, entertainments, threats, or other improper inducements.
- To moisten and rub (a diseased part) with a liquid substance, as with spirit, oil, etc., by means of a cloth or sponge.
- of Embrocate
- The act of moistening and rubbing a diseased part with spirit, oil, etc.
- The liquid or lotion with which an affected part is rubbed.
- To ornament with needlework; as, to embroider a scarf.
- of Embroider
- of Embroidery
- Needlework used to enrich textile fabrics, leather, etc.; also, the art of embroidering.
- Diversified ornaments, especially by contrasted figures and colors; variegated decoration.
- To throw into confusion or commotion by contention or discord; to entangle in a broil or quarrel; to make confused; to distract; to involve in difficulties by dissension or strife.
- To implicate in confusion; to complicate; to jumble.
- See Embroilment.
- One who embroils.
- of Embroil
- The act of embroiling, or the condition of being embroiled; entanglement in a broil.
- To embody in bronze; to set up a bronze representation of, as of a person.
- To color in imitation of bronze. See Bronze, v. t.
- To give a brown color to; to imbrown.
Meaning of ભરતકામ in English
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