Meaning of स्वार्थ in English
- In an egoistic manner.
- The state of being apetalous.
- Existence as a separate self, or independent person; conscious personality; individuality.
- Private interest; the interest or advantage of one's self.
- The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard to one's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self-preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, without regarding those of others.
- Concentration of one's interests on one's self; self-love; selfishness.
- Selfishness.
- Swart; swarthy.
- An apparition of a person about to die; a wraith.
- Sward; short grass.
- See Swath.
- The quality or state of being swarthy; a dusky or dark complexion; tawniness.
- Swarthiness.
Meaning of स्वार्थ in English
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