Meaning of सिद्धांत in English
- Teaching; instruction.
- That which is taught; what is held, put forth as true, and supported by a teacher, a school, or a sect; a principle or position, or the body of principles, in any branch of knowledge; any tenet or dogma; a principle of faith; as, the doctrine of atoms; the doctrine of chances.
- A sentence, phrase, or word, forming part of an heraldic achievment.
- A sentence, phrase, or word, prefixed to an essay, discourse, chapter, canto, or the like, suggestive of its subject matter; a short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle; a maxim.
- Beginning; commencement.
- A source, or origin; that from which anything proceeds; fundamental substance or energy; primordial substance; ultimate element, or cause.
- An original faculty or endowment.
- A fundamental truth; a comprehensive law or doctrine, from which others are derived, or on which others are founded; a general truth; an elementary proposition; a maxim; an axiom; a postulate.
- A settled rule of action; a governing law of conduct; an opinion or belief which exercises a directing influence on the life and behavior; a rule (usually, a right rule) of conduct consistently directing one's actions; as, a person of no principle.
- Any original inherent constituent which characterizes a substance, or gives it its essential properties, and which can usually be separated by analysis; -- applied especially to drugs, plant extracts, etc.
- To equip with principles; to establish, or fix, in certain principles; to impress with any tenet, or rule of conduct, good or ill.
- Any opinion, principle, dogma, belief, or doctrine, which a person holds or maintains as true; as, the tenets of Plato or of Cicero.
- A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation.
- An exposition of the general or abstract principles of any science; as, the theory of music.
- The science, as distinguished from the art; as, the theory and practice of medicine.
- The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral; as, Lavoisier's theory of combustion; Adam Smith's theory of moral sentiments.
- The art or science of teaching.
- One who would apply to political or other practical concerns the abstract doctrines or the theories of his own philosophical system; a propounder of a new set of opinions; a dogmatic theorist. Used also adjectively; as, doctrinaire notions.
- The speculative part of a science; speculation.
- of Theory
- The act or product of theorizing; the formation of a theory or theories; speculation.
- To form a theory or theories; to form opinions solely by theory; to speculate.
- of Theorize
- One who theorizes or speculates; a theorist.
- Laid down; absolute or positive, as a law.
- A divine work; a miracle; hence, magic; sorcery.
- A kind of magical science or art developed in Alexandria among the Neoplatonists, and supposed to enable man to influence the will of the gods by means of purification and other sacramental rites.
- In later or modern magic, that species of magic in which effects are claimed to be produced by supernatural agency, in distinction from natural magic.
Meaning of सिद्धांत in English
English usage of सिद्धांत
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