Meaning of शाखा in English
- An arm or branch of a tree, esp. a large arm or main branch.
- A gallows.
- A bitch of the hound kind.
- Destitute of branches or shoots; without any valuable product; barren; naked.
- Tending to distribute or be distributed; that distributes; distributive.
- To flow in.
- That which shoots off or separates from a main stem, channel, family, race, etc.; as, the offshoots of a tree.
- A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other plant.
- Any division extending like a branch; any arm or part connected with the main body of thing; ramification; as, the branch of an antler; the branch of a chandelier; a branch of a river; a branch of a railway.
- Any member or part of a body or system; a distinct article; a section or subdivision; a department.
- One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance; as, the branches of an hyperbola.
- A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line; as, the English branch of a family.
- A warrant or commission given to a pilot, authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters.
- Diverging from, or tributary to, a main stock, line, way, theme, etc.; as, a branch vein; a branch road or line; a branch topic; a branch store.
- To shoot or spread in branches; to separate into branches; to ramify.
- To divide into separate parts or subdivision.
- To divide as into branches; to make subordinate division in.
- To adorn with needlework representing branches, flowers, or twigs.
- of Branch
- A system of branches.
- Furnished with branchiae; as, branchiate segments.
- Fullness of branches.
- Furnished with branches; shooting our branches; extending in a branch or branches.
- The act or state of separation into branches; division into branches; a division or branch.
- A little branch; a twig.
- A sort of bridle with wooden side pieces.
- A scolding bridle, an instrument formerly used for correcting scolding women. It was an iron frame surrounding the head and having a triangular piece entering the mouth of the scold.
Meaning of शाखा in English
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