Meaning of मोह in English
- The quality of being allusive.
- The act of captivating.
- The act of enthralling, or state of being enthralled. See Inthrallment.
- The act or practice of alluring or tempting; as, the enticements of evil companions.
- That which entices, or incites to evil; means of allurement; alluring object; as, an enticement to sin.
- Commotion.
- To influence in an uncontrollable manner; to operate on by some powerful or irresistible charm; to bewitch; to enchant.
- To excite and allure irresistibly or powerfully; to charm; to captivate, as by physical or mental charms.
- The act of fascinating, bewhiching, or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft; the exercise of a powerful or irresistible influence on the affections or passions; unseen, inexplicable influence.
- The state or condition of being fascinated.
- That which fascinates; a charm; a spell.
- A cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, bound together, used in raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets; also in revetments for river banks, and in mats for dams, jetties, etc.
- The act of inducing, or the state of being induced.
- That which induces; a motive or consideration that leads one to action or induces one to act; as, reward is an inducement to toil.
- Matter stated by way of explanatory preamble or introduction to the main allegations of a pleading; a leading to.
- The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates.
- The act of seducing.
- The means employed to seduce, as flattery, promises, deception, etc.; arts of enticing or corrupting.
- The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically, the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful sexual intercourse, by enticements which overcome her scruples; the wrong or crime of persuading a woman to surrender her chastity.
- That which seduces, or is adapted to seduce; means of leading astray; as, the seductions of wealth.
- The quality or state of being temptable; lability to temptation.
- The act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction.
- The state of being tempted, or enticed to evil.
- That which tempts; an inducement; an allurement, especially to something evil.
- of Tempt
- One who tempts or entices; especially, Satan, or the Devil, regarded as the great enticer to evil.
- A woman who entices.
Meaning of मोह in English
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