Meaning of बिनधास्त in English
- Wanting in grace or excellence; departed from, or deprived of, divine grace; hence, depraved; corrupt.
- Unfortunate. Cf. Grace, n., 4.
- Not conditioned; not limited; absolute.
- The absence of ambition.
- To break up the camp of; to dislodge from camp.
- To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant.
- Unable to comprehend.
- Incomprehensible.
- Not admitting of compromise; making no truce or concessions; obstinate; unyielding; inflexible.
- To free from a state of confusion, or of being confounded.
- To thaw; to become liquid again.
- Not constant; inconstant; fickle; changeable.
- Not consummated; not accomplished.
- To divest or deprive of a cowl.
- Not cut; not separated or divided by cutting or otherwise; -- said especially of books, periodicals, and the like, when the leaves have not been separated by trimming in binding.
- Not ground, or otherwise cut, into a certain shape; as, an uncut diamond.
- Free from a corporeal body; disembodied; as, unembodied spirits.
- Not embodied; not collected into a body; not yet organized; as, unembodied militia.
- Not exceptive; not including, admitting, or being, an exception.
- To free from manacles.
- Deprived of a mother; motherless.
- Immovably.
- Immutable.
- Not having a path.
- Profitless.
- To revoke or annul, as a promise.
- Not seconded; not supported, aided, or assisted; as, the motion was unseconded; the attempt was unseconded.
- Not exemplified a second time.
- Not studied; not acquired by study; unlabored; natural.
- Not skilled; unversed; -- followed by in.
- Not spent in study.
- Lacking in matter or substance; visionary; chimerical.
- To make unsubstantial.
- To take a swaddle from; to unswathe.
- Intemperate.
Meaning of बिनधास्त in English
English usage of बिनधास्त
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