Meaning of दोष in English
- To censure; to express disapprobation of; to find fault with; to reproach.
- To bring reproach upon; to blemish.
- An expression of disapprobation fir something deemed to be wrong; imputation of fault; censure.
- That which is deserving of censure or disapprobation; culpability; fault; crime; sin.
- Hurt; injury.
- To mark with deformity; to injure or impair, as anything which is well formed, or excellent; to mar, or make defective, either the body or mind.
- To tarnish, as reputation or character; to defame.
- Any mark of deformity or injury, whether physical or moral; anything that diminishes beauty, or renders imperfect that which is otherwise well formed; that which impairs reputation.
- Want or absence of something necessary for completeness or perfection; deficiency; -- opposed to superfluity.
- Failing; fault; imperfection, whether physical or moral; blemish; as, a defect in the ear or eye; a defect in timber or iron; a defect of memory or judgment.
- To fail; to become deficient.
- To injure; to damage.
- Defect; want; lack; default.
- Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs excellence; a failing; a defect; a blemish.
- A moral failing; a defect or dereliction from duty; a deviation from propriety; an offense less serious than a crime.
- A dislocation of the strata of the vein.
- In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities in the seam; as, slate fault, dirt fault, etc.
- A lost scent; act of losing the scent.
- Failure to serve the ball into the proper court.
- To charge with a fault; to accuse; to find fault with; to blame.
- To interrupt the continuity of (rock strata) by displacement along a plane of fracture; -- chiefly used in the p. p.; as, the coal beds are badly faulted.
- To err; to blunder, to commit a fault; to do wrong.
- A crack or breach; a gap or fissure; a defect of continuity or cohesion; as, a flaw in a knife or a vase.
- A defect; a fault; as, a flaw in reputation; a flaw in a will, in a deed, or in a statute.
- A sudden burst of noise and disorder; a tumult; uproar; a quarrel.
- A sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration.
- To crack; to make flaws in.
- To break; to violate; to make of no effect.
- The condition quality of being frail, physically, mentally, or morally, frailness; infirmity; weakness of resolution; liableness to be deceived or seduced.
- A fault proceeding from weakness; foible; sin of infirmity.
- Mendacious boasting; falsehood; humbug.
- Flattery.
- The state of being blemished; blemish; disgrace; damage; impairment.
- of Blemish
- Blossomy.
- A double cocoon, made by two silkworms.
- Fain; glad; delighted.
- of Flatus
- of Flaw
- Declaration; proclamation; public notice or appointment.
- A cycle of fifteen years.
Meaning of दोष in English
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