Meaning of घटस्फोट in English
- A separation into two parts or branches; a forking; a divergence.
- An ambiguity of meaning; a disagreement of difference in opinion.
- A divergence of lines of color sculpture, or of fibers at different angles.
- A legal dissolution of the marriage contract by a court or other body having competent authority. This is properly a divorce, and called, technically, divorce a vinculo matrimonii.
- The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband -- divorce a mensa et toro (/ thoro), "from bed board."
- The decree or writing by which marriage is dissolved.
- Separation; disunion of things closely united.
- That which separates.
- To dissolve the marriage contract of, either wholly or partially; to separate by divorce.
- To separate or disunite; to sunder.
- To make away; to put away.
- A person divorced.
- Dissolution of the marriage tie; divorce; separation.
- of Divorce
- A thin, oblong turf used for covering cottages, and also for fuel.
- The act of depositing a sediment; specifically (Geol.), the deposition of the material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.
- Strong; lusty; vigorous; robust; sinewy; muscular; hence, firm; resolute; dauntless.
- Proud; haughty; arrogant; hard.
- Firm; tough; materially strong; enduring; as, a stout vessel, stick, string, or cloth.
- Large; bulky; corpulent.
- A strong malt liquor; strong porter.
Meaning of घटस्फोट in English
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