Meaning of खून in English
- of Bloody
- of Blood
- Having pure blood, or a large admixture or pure blood; of approved breed; of the best stock.
- The act of assassinating; a killing by treacherous violence.
- A fish. See Bleak, n.
- The killing of one human being by another.
- One who kills another; a manslayer.
- Alt. of Killdeer
- Any one of several small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus and allied genera. They live equally well in fresh and brackish water, or even in the sea. They are usually striped or barred with black. Called also minnow, and brook fish. See Minnow.
- A small anchor; also, a kind of anchor formed by a stone inclosed by pieces of wood fastened together.
- The offense of killing a human being with malice prepense or aforethought, express or implied; intentional and unlawful homicide.
- To kill with premediated malice; to kill (a human being) willfully, deliberately, and unlawfully. See Murder, n.
- To destroy; to put an end to.
- To mutilate, spoil, or deform, as if with malice or cruelty; to mangle; as, to murder the king's English.
- of Murder
- Murder.
- Formed with sharp points; full of sharp points or of pickles; covered, or roughened, as a surface, with sharp points or excrescences.
- Resembling courses of bricks or stones in squareness and regular arrangement; as, a muriform variety of cellular tissue.
- A catarrh.
- Infected with or killed by murrain.
- A morion. See Morion.
- To put to death with a weapon, or by violence; hence, to kill; to put an end to; to destroy.
- of Slay
Meaning of खून in English
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अब तुम ,भूल मत जाना,
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ये जमी फिर लहू लुहान ना हो,
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ये धरती है सोने की चिड़िया,
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हम भारत वासी हैं एक बंद मुट्ठी,
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हमे आपस में लड़ाकर ही गुलाम किया
फिर कोई ना लूट जाए,,
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सब कुछ खोकर भी, इसे आजाद रखना...।
✍️ Author Munna Prajapati
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