Meaning of केवल in English
- Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right or obligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; -- said both of persons and things.
- Not transgressing the requirement of truth and propriety; conformed to the truth of things, to reason, or to a proper standard; exact; normal; reasonable; regular; due; as, a just statement; a just inference.
- Rendering or disposed to render to each one his due; equitable; fair; impartial; as, just judge.
- Precisely; exactly; -- in place, time, or degree; neither more nor less than is stated.
- Closely; nearly; almost.
- Barely; merely; scarcely; only; by a very small space or time; as, he just missed the train; just too late.
- To joust.
- A joust.
- Purely; unmixedly; absolutely.
- Not otherwise than; simply; barely; only.
- One alone; single; as, the only man present; his only occupation.
- Alone in its class; by itself; not associated with others of the same class or kind; as, an only child.
- Hence, figuratively: Alone, by reason of superiority; preeminent; chief.
- In one manner or degree; for one purpose alone; simply; merely; barely.
- So and no otherwise; no other than; exclusively; solely; wholly.
- Singly; without more; as, only-begotten.
- Above all others; particularly.
- Save or except (that); -- an adversative used elliptically with or without that, and properly introducing a single fact or consideration.
- In a simple manner or state; considered in or by itself; without addition; along; merely; solely; barely.
- Plainly; without art or subtlety.
- Weakly; foolishly.
- Singly; alone; only; without another; as, to rest a cause solely one argument; to rely solelyn one's own strength.
Meaning of केवल in English
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दर्द मे दिलाशा हर कोई देता है मगर,
साथ देने वाला कोई नहीं ।
आज समय अच्छा चल रहा है,
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बुरे वक़्त मे कोई साथ चलने वाला नहीं ।
लोग हाथ थामते हैं उम्र भर के लिए,
मगर वो भी कब छोड़ दे,
कोई कहने वाला नहीं ।
मै तो कहता हूँ दोस्त, खुशियोँ मे उसे,
उसे बुलाओ ही नही जो साथ
हर गम सहने वाला नहीं ।
क्या शामी, क्या शिखर और क्या हार्दिक
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उसे तो केवल ऐसो आराम चाहिए,
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आप रुक सकते हो, उतर सकते हो,
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वह हरगिज उतरने वाला नहीं ।
✍️ Author Munna Prajapati #virals #life #reality #beocken #sad #poem #hindi #lovestory #loveyou #writer #writing
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