Meaning of अनुक्रम in English
- Dominion or authority in sacred things.
- A body of officials disposed organically in ranks and orders each subordinate to the one above it; a body of ecclesiastical rulers.
- A form of government administered in the church by patriarchs, metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, and, in an inferior degree, by priests.
- A rank or order of holy beings.
- The state of being sequent; succession; order of following; arrangement.
- That which follows or succeeds as an effect; sequel; consequence; result.
- Simple succession, or the coming after in time, without asserting or implying causative energy; as, the reactions of chemical agents may be conceived as merely invariable sequences.
- Any succession of chords (or harmonic phrase) rising or falling by the regular diatonic degrees in the same scale; a succession of similar harmonic steps.
- A melodic phrase or passage successively repeated one tone higher; a rosalia.
- A hymn introduced in the Mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel, and after the gradual or introit, whence the name.
- Three or more cards of the same suit in immediately consecutive order of value; as, ace, king, and queen; or knave, ten, nine, and eight.
- All five cards, of a hand, in consecutive order as to value, but not necessarily of the same suit; when of one suit, it is called a sequence flush.
- Quality of being sequacious.
- Quality or state of being sequacious; sequaciousness.
- An old gold coin of Italy and Turkey. It was first struck at Venice about the end of the 13th century, and afterward in the other Italian cities, and by the Levant trade was introduced into Turkey. It is worth about 9s. 3d. sterling, or about $2.25. The different kinds vary somewhat in value.
- Alt. of Subsequency
Meaning of अनुक्रम in English
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