
Meaning of چکنا in English

  • A carpenter's or cooper's tool, formed with a thin arching blade set at right angles to the handle. It is used for chipping or slicing away the surface of wood.
  • To fly away; to escape; to exhale.
  • The name of several caryophyllaceous weeds, especially Stellaria media, the seeds and flower buds of which are a favorite food of small birds.
  • of Chuckle
  • To corrupt. See Corrupt.
  • To form with short turns, bends, or wrinkles; to mold into inequalities or sinuosities; to cause to wrinkle or curl.
  • To turn or wind; to run in and out in many short bends or turns; to curl; to run in waves; to wrinkle; also, to rustle, as stiff cloth when moved.
  • A winding or turn; wrinkle; sinuosity.
  • To cause to turn aside; to bend; as, rays of light are often deflected.
  • To turn aside; to deviate from a right or a horizontal line, or from a proper position, course or direction; to swerve.
  • of Dizen
  • of Dizzy
  • To arrange in order of battle; to array for battle; also, to prepare or arm for battle; to equip as for battle.
  • To be arrayed for battle.
  • To furnish with battlements.
  • To seize; to lay fast hold of; to attack at close quarters: as, to grapple an antagonist.
  • To fasten, as with a grapple; to fix; to join indissolubly.
  • To use a grapple; to contend in close fight; to attach one's self as if by a grapple, as in wrestling; to close; to seize one another.
  • A seizing or seizure; close hug in contest; the wrestler's hold.
  • An instrument, usually with hinged claws, for seizing and holding fast to an object; a grab.
  • A grappling iron.
  • A grove.
  • Armor for the leg below the knee; -- usually in the plural.
  • To clean (a ship's bottom); to grave.
  • To conform to the Greek custom, especially in speech.
  • To render Grecian; also, to cause (a word or phrase in another language) to take a Greek form; as, the name is Grecized.
  • To translate into Greek.
  • Alt. of Grecianize
  • Capable of being infused.
  • Not fusible; incapble or difficalt of fusion, or of being dissolved or melted.
  • Eager; craving; urged by desire; eager to taste or enjoy; greedy.
  • Tempting the appetite; dainty.
  • Lecherous; lustful.
  • Same as Lief.
  • Alt. of Lubrical
  • Having a smooth surface; slippery.
  • Lascivious; wanton; lewd.
  • To make smooth or slippery; as, mucilaginous and saponaceous remedies lubricate the parts to which they are applied.
  • To apply a lubricant to, as oil or tallow.
  • The act of lubricating; the act of making slippery.
  • Alt. of Lubrifaction
  • A sort of hunting dog; -- perhaps from Lucerne, in Switzerland.
  • An animal whose fur was formerly much in request (by some supposed to be the lynx).
  • A leguminous plant (Medicago sativa), having bluish purple cloverlike flowers, cultivated for fodder; -- called also alfalfa.
  • A lamp.
  • See Lucern, the plant.
  • of Nab
  • Resembling an eye.
  • Marked with eyelike spots of color; as, the ocellated blenny.
  • of Ooze
  • That which pricks, penetrates, or punctures; a sharp and slender thing; a pointed instrument; a goad; a spur, etc.; a point; a skewer.
  • The act of pricking, or the sensation of being pricked; a sharp, stinging pain; figuratively, remorse.
  • A mark made by a pointed instrument; a puncture; a point.
  • A point or mark on the dial, noting the hour.
  • The point on a target at which an archer aims; the mark; the pin.
  • A mark denoting degree; degree; pitch.
  • A mathematical point; -- regularly used in old English translations of Euclid.
  • The footprint of a hare.
  • A small roll; as, a prick of spun yarn; a prick of tobacco.
  • To pierce slightly with a sharp-pointed instrument or substance; to make a puncture in, or to make by puncturing; to drive a fine point into; as, to prick one with a pin, needle, etc.; to prick a card; to prick holes in paper.
  • To fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing; as, to prick a knife into a board.
  • To mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark; -- sometimes with off.
  • To mark the outline of by puncturing; to trace or form by pricking; to mark by punctured dots; as, to prick a pattern for embroidery; to prick the notes of a musical composition.
  • To ride or guide with spurs; to spur; to goad; to incite; to urge on; -- sometimes with on, or off.
  • To affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.
  • To make sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed; -- said especially of the ears of an animal, as a horse or dog; and usually followed by up; -- hence, to prick up the ears, to listen sharply; to have the attention and interest strongly engaged.
  • To render acid or pungent.
  • To dress; to prink; -- usually with up.
  • To run a middle seam through, as the cloth of a sail.
  • To trace on a chart, as a ship's course.
  • To drive a nail into (a horse's foot), so as to cause lameness.
  • To nick.
  • To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture; as, a sore finger pricks.
  • To spur onward; to ride on horseback.
  • To become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.
  • To aim at a point or mark.
  • of Slit
  • a. & n. from Slit.
  • To smile in an affected or conceited manner; to smile with affected complaisance; to simper.
  • A forced or affected smile; a simper.
  • Nice,; smart; spruce; affected; simpering.
  • of Stave
  • A cassing or lining of staves; especially, one encircling a water wheel.
  • of Tassel
  • A kind of lace made from common sewing thread, with a peculiar stitch.
  • of Taw
  • Any one of several species of small fresh-water ducks of the genus Anas and the subgenera Querquedula and Nettion. The male is handsomely colored, and has a bright green or blue speculum on the wings.
  • The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the udder or breast of a mammal; a nipple; a pap; a mammilla; a dug; a tit.
  • A small protuberance or nozzle resembling the teat of an animal.
  • The gate of a mold, through which the melted metal is poured; runner, geat.
  • To pour; -- commonly followed by out; as, to teem out ale.
  • To pour, as steel, from a melting pot; to fill, as a mold, with molten metal.
  • To think fit.
  • To bring forth young, as an animal; to produce fruit, as a plant; to bear; to be pregnant; to conceive; to multiply.
  • To be full, or ready to bring forth; to be stocked to overflowing; to be prolific; to abound.
  • To produce; to bring forth.
  • of Teem
  • Prolific; productive.
  • A tinsmith's stake, or small anvil.
  • of Teeth
  • The process of the first growth of teeth, or the phenomena attending their issue through the gums; dentition.
  • Intoxicated; drunken.
  • To make or become tepid, or moderately warm.
  • To pull with a sudden jerk; to pluck with a short, quick motion; to snatch; as, to twitch one by the sleeve; to twitch a thing out of another's hand; to twitch off clusters of grapes.
  • The act of twitching; a pull with a jerk; a short, sudden, quick pull; as, a twitch by the sleeve.
  • A short, spastic contraction of the fibers or muscles; a simple muscular contraction; as, convulsive twitches; a twitch in the side.
  • A stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over the upper lip or an ear of a horse. By twisting the stick the compression is made sufficiently painful to keep the animal quiet during a slight surgical operation.

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