
Women empowerment

19 September 2022

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Women empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their own personal development as well as social development. Empowerment of women would mean encouraging women to be self-reliant , independent , have positive self-esteem , generate confidence to face any difficult situation.

In the ancient time , women were treated very badly by family and society. They were not given education and were only restricted to doing household tasks. They were kept completely oblivious of their rights and development. There are various ways in how one can empower women. The individuals and government must both come together to make it happen. Education for girls must be made compulsory, so that women can become literate to make a life for themselves.

Women empowerment in the truest sense, will be achieved only when there is attitudnal change in society with regard to women folk, treating them with proper respect , dignity, fairness and equality.

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