
Why the smartest man in the world believes in socialism and you should too.

6 July 2023

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In the year 1949 Einstein decided to write a article of sorts in the Monthly Review Magazine
about why it is absolutely essential for the world to incorporate the ways and norms of socialism. To the surprise the words of the famous scientist from that article still seem equally relevant even further relevant if not equally and the world just seems to have gone back in time if not made progress.  

Our beloved scientist starts his article by asking the most obvious question that had crossed my mind too while I decided to write my blog on this heading. Am I qualified enough to talk about this? Is a person who is not an expert on social and economics has enough rights to talk about it? Turns out I can and people who know lesser than me or the ones who know nothing at all about socialism has the rights to talk about it too. This is what democracy teaches us, the vote of the person with an expertise in social matters holds as equal value as the ones who hardly know anything about governing styles. While back in his time an utopian democracy with equal rights to all, both men women was a far fetched dream he still was ahead of his time and managed to at least justify why his opinion equally mattered.  

Funny how our scientist quotes the famous Thorstein Veblen who says human beings started at
the “predatory stage” and as human beings who are allegedly so efficient should have evolved but we are still stuck in our stage of predatory stage where  the beginning of the so-called civilized period of human history has—as is well known—been largely influenced and limited by causes which are by no means exclusively economic in nature. For example, most of the major states of history owed their existence to conquest. The conquering peoples established themselves, legally and economically, as the privileged class of the conquered country. It is 2022 and we have already seen Afghanistan crisis and the war between the federation of Russia up against Ukraine. The conquerors would appoint priest according to Einstein who would oversee
education and would make class division into a permanent idea which would eventually get instilled into the society. India, being a majorly diverse country the country is in constant turmoil in the quest of announcing it as a “ Pro-Hindu Country” or in more true words an Islamophobic country. All of this, from breaking the country into two halves to conquering a neighbouring country is happening in the sheer desire to experience power. The only way we can as a humanity make and give purpose to our existence is by devoting each and every action, we take to
make the society better. The individuals who are the part of the society don’t However, individuals experience this dependence as a positive good, as an organic bond, not as a protective force, but even as a threat to his natural rights or his financial existence. Moreover, his
position in society is such that his inherently weak social urges diminish, while the selfish urges of his propensity are constantly emphasized. All people, regardless of their position in society, suffer from this process of decline. Unknowingly, prisoners of their egoism, they feel anxious and lonely,
deprived of the joy of living, simple, simple and unaffected. One can only find the meaning of life through dedication to society. 

It is all a big struggle of who can be at the top and keep the rest of civilization under. Private capital tends to be concentrated in a small number of hands. This is because competition among capitalists promotes the formation of larger production units at the expense of smaller production units due to increased technological development and division of labor. The result of these developments is the oligarchy of private capital, whose enormous power cannot be effectively contained even by democratically organized political societies. This is because the members of the legislature are largely funded by private capitalists who separate voters from the legislature for all practical reasons, or are otherwise elected by the affected political parties. .. As a result, representative agencies do not adequately protect the interests of groups of
underprivileged people. Moreover, under existing circumstances, private capitalists inevitably control the main sources of information (press, radio, education), directly or indirectly. Therefore, it is very difficult, and in most cases even impossible, for individual citizens to draw objective
conclusions and use their political rights intellectually.

Production is for commercial purposes, not for use. It is not intended that everyone who can or is willing to work will always be able to get a job. The "army of the unemployed" is almost always present. Workers are always afraid to lose their jobs. Unemployed and low-wage workers do not provide a profitable market, limiting the production of consumer goods and creating great difficulties. Technological advances often lead to increased unemployment rather than reduced work for everyone. The pursuit of profits combined with competition among capitalists is the cause of capital accumulation and instability in valuation, leading to a more serious recession
than ever before. Unlimited competition leads to a great deal of wasted effort and the destruction of the individual's social consciousness I have already mentioned. I consider this personal inconvenience to be the worst evil of capitalism. Our entire educational system suffers from this
evil. An over-competitive attitude is taught to the student and the student is raised to worship success in preparation for his future career.  

 I am convinced that there is only one way to eliminate these serious evils. It is due to the establishment of a socialist economy and the establishment of an education system for social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society and used as planned.  
