
Story of Every Crying Doll

22 August 2022

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Life is a beautiful journey. Sometimes it is full of enchanting flowers , refreshing us by their fragrance and sometimes we have to cross sharp and painful thorns.
Do you think everyone's life have equal thorns? No. A daughter have to cross more hurdles and obstacles as compared to son just because she is a girl. The little Princess , bron with dreams of touching the heights of sky in her beaming  eyes which looked like pearl are ruined by our so called society.
'Daughters are not tension
They are equal to ten sons.'
These pleasing lines always peirce my ears . As these empowering words are true only on our orthodox society's social networking accounts. It is always been a hard to pull to swallow for me that I am living in a society where male gender has an upper hand over the female one.Which pretend to be cool and modern  on the other hand has a one-track mind unwilling to curtail unjustified discrimination between males and females. Status of girls had always been at different level in our traditional society.Our concerned Government has taken various deviations and good turns . Schemes like " Dadli Lakshmi Bai" and slogans like "Beti bachao, beti padhao"has achieved success mostly on papers rather than in reality. The harsh treatment of society towards girls always pushed them in a dark world where they are desirable only for domestic works and subject to authority of their fathers and husbands. When a couple is blessed with a son, he is seen as a ray of sunshine. Everyone in the family becomes as merry as sandboy. Crackers , sweets , celebrations marks their happiness and joy of welcoming a baby boy. Whereas when a baby girl enters this evil world which is just like a patridge for her, a grief full silent is observed in the family. Fellow relatives and neighbours too add fuel in the fire by commenting: " Now who will support you in your old age??"
" Who will rise and fame your name??"
" Who will continue your business??"
This situation always fills me with vexation. Since birth her journey is full of interventions  created by pin pointed thinking of our society. Parents put their heart and soul together to provide their son a high level education. They are ready at the drop of their hat for spending resources on their son. Parents feel like it is waste of money to educate their daughter who ultimately have to clean the dirty utensils of her in laws. And if rarely education is provided her, time period of her graduation cathes the age of getting married. Either her in laws don'ts allow her to work or her all the earnings are taken by them. The most weird tradition I found is of dowry system. Parents burn the midnight oil. 
No . Not for educating their daughter but for her dowry and marriage. See how wrong investments they are making. Girls are often termed as " Weak hearted" , " Crying dolls" . But my dear society , I think you are unaware of the reality that those " weak hearted "  are the one who leave their family after getting married. And according to me , no weak hearted would have had done this. It is said that " Parivartan hi sansar ka niyam hai" . Let us make a change in this tradition. Why males don't leave their family after marriage?? As our society claims them as superior, those " strong hearted " will off course have no pain in making such a a small sacrifice. How could I forget the condition of India house wives ?? Females are advised to be careful in the outside world. But discrimination has touched the heights that they are not safe from domestic violence , exploitation , physical harrassment in their own house.A house wife burns the candle from both the ends just to make her family happy and provide them a comfortable life. In return she just want respect from her family. But they don't even value her work.
Girls are brimming with the potential to reach beyond their wildest dream. The only thing they need is their family's support. For them blood is always thicker than water but unfortunately they don't get the importance they deserve. 

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