
Sex Law in India

12 May 2022

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Points To Ponder

16 Apr 2022

Points to ponder 

Women studies 

Topics covered 

1.Women and Gender

2.Feminist Research 

Women studies is different frrom gender studies Women studies is 

interdisciplinary subjectand it is very important for in academics for 

understandingic problem.In 1893 New Zealand was the first country who give 

right to vote for women.

After that in 1910's several countries like USA,Russia and Germany gave right 

to vote forWomen. India gave right to vote at the very beginning of the making 

of the constitution.

We have very big problem of adverse child sex ratio and anaemia along with 

undernourished children

National family Health survey is the main source of data regarding health of 

womenChild wasting and child stunting is also the main problems in India It is 

fourtunate that we are going to achieve Total fertility rate 2.1 target.

TFR 2.1 is the replacement level of population.that is our population will 

stabilizeand than stationary population we will haveIt means the population 

growth rate will be zero in future .Women studies is very dynamic subject

Because this subject is more objective rather than subjective.Case studies are 

very important for deeper learning.

The scope of research is very wast in Women studies . It is because now we 

Women study centers and research facilities for the research. This book is 

intended to give the basic conceptual understanding of the subject rather than 

thefactual data .

It is advised to learn by heart all details in the book along with UN Women 

web site updatesand please visit regularly Ministry of women andChild 


Women of India may file complaints on National Women Commission website or 

NationalHuman Right Commission website. 1098 is child help line number .POCSO 

act 2012 is totally dedicatedto children .

Now we have Act for the transgender Transgender persons( protection of rights) 

act (2019) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

There is provision for National level institutionalSetup for the welfare of 

transgender personsDistrict Magistrate is the certificate issuing authority for 

the transgender people.

Libral feminism: problem: inequality Solution:emancipation Approach:equality. 

Radical feminism:problem: oppression Solution:Libration Approach:Difference

Above both feminism are called modern feminism.

Post modern feminism:problem:marginalization Solution:IntegrationApproach: 


First wave feminism: political rights .1900 -1920s.

Second wave feminism:Social rights .1920 -1960s

Third wave feminism:Individual personal rights . 1980 - 2000sOr In some books 

it was 1990-2000s

Fourth wave feminism: Right to privacy 2012 onwards with the tool of social 

media and internet.#me too movement. 

Men's feminism: focus on men's rights. 

Ecofeminism: women's way is the best way it is a part of radical feminism. 

Socialist feminism: class and patriarchy is the and women should 

work together for solution.Classless society is the solution. 

Marxist feminism:patriarchy is the problem.

Cisgender:opposite sex attraction.

Transgender:same sex attraction.

Queer sex: Complex sexual identity it is umbrella term.mental and hormonal are 

the main parameters for identification of personal sexual identity.

Intersex:complex sexual identity based on genital and chromosomal 

structure.genitals may be complex or underdeveloped .

Feminine and masculine are expressions. Men and women are mental identity. 

Male and female are sexual identity.

Sex is to biology .and Gender is to society. 

Lesbian: female- female.


Bisexual:sexually attracted to both make and female. Pensexual: sexually 

attracted to all.

Chromosome structure:Male:XY.


Transgender/Shemale:XXY or XXXY.

Prostitution is known as the oldest profession. In India organized 

Prostitution is illegal while at individual level not illegal.

Pornography is illegal in India. 

USA:Pornography is legal except Navada state.Canada: Pornography is legal. 

Germany: concept of sex tax exists. It means Prostitution is legal in Germany. 

Constitutional Rights of women:Article:

15(1):no discrimination based on sex.

15(3):Affirmative discrimination in favor of women by state.Also for children. 

16(2):No discrimination in employment. 21-A: Right to education .

23(1): Human trafficking and forced labour banned .it is also for children. 

24:No child labour for up to age fourteen year.

39(a):Right to adequate means of livelihood for men and women. 

39(d):equal pay for equal work.

39(e):humane conditions for work.

42:Maternity relief. 

51-A(e): ensure dignity of women.

243D(3):one third Seats reserved for women at every Panchayat. 

243D(4): one third seats reserved for offices of chairpersons in the 

Panchayats at each level.

243-T(3)and 243T(4): One third reservation at every municipality and offices 

of chairpersonsin municipality (percentage not fixed decided by respective 

state government) respectively.

Concurrent list items:

Both union and state government can make laws on items which lies in 

Concurrent list .

Criminal law.

Criminal Procedure.

Preventive detention.

Marriage and divorce;infants and minors,adoption;wills,intestate and 

succession; joint family and partition.Transfer of property other than 

agricultural land.

Actionable wrongs.

Truest and Trustees.

Civil procedure.

Vagrancy;nomadic and migratory tribes. 

Economic and social planning. 

Population control and family planning. 

Trade union;industrial disputes and labour disputes.

Social security and social insurance;employment and unemployment. 

Welfare of labour.

Price control. 



News papers, books and printing presses.

Vital statistics including registration of birthsand deaths .

Relief and rehabilitation of person displaced from their original place 

residence by reason of setting up of Dominions of India and Pakistan.

11 th Schedule constitution of India items:Article(243G).

Domain:- local government (rural)Family welfare. Women and child development. 

Social welfare.Markets and fairs.Adult and non -formal education. Libraries. 

Cultural activities.Poverty alleviation programs.Health and sanitation.Welfare 

of the weaker sections.Maintenance of community assets.12 th Schedule 


Urban local government. Women not mentioned explicitly in all 18 items.

National Commission for women.Act 1990.Established:1992.Headquarter:New Delhi. 

One chairperson.

Five members and one member-secretary. At least one from scheduled caste .and 

One from scheduled tribe.

Tenure:3 year.Power:civil court power. 

National commission for protection of child rights act 2005.Established:2007.

One chairperson .

Six members at least two should be women.

Tenure :3 year Maximum two Tenure only.It has the power of civil court. 

Adoption in India .

Juvenile Justice Amendment Act 2015.

District Magistrate/Addtional District Magistrate, Executive head at District 


Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA).

Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance system (CARINGS).

India has ratified Hague convention 1993 regarding Adoption.

Means of knowledge. Method of




4.Science( Inductive, Deductive)

SDG goals.

1.No Poverty Hunger

3.Good Health and well-being 

4.Quality Education 

5.Gender Equality 

6.Clean water and sanitation

7.Afordable and Clean Energy 

8.Decent work and Economic Growth 

9.Industry, innovation and Infrastructure 

10.Reduced Inequality 

11.Sustainable Cities and Communities

12.Responsible Consumption and Production 

13.Climate Action 

14.Life below water

15.Life on Land

16.Peace and Justice strong Institutions 

17.Partnerships to achieve Goal.

Total 169 targets by 2030.

SDG Index for India.

NITI AYOG.Index score;1.Aspirant: 0-49

2.Performer: 50-64

3.Front Runner-65 -99


Major legal Rights:Protection of women from Domestic violence act 2005:Three 

is provision of protection officer in this act for prevention and immediate 

support and relief for the abused.

Magistrate also has power to give relief to the abused. All women are covered 

under domestic violence.

ImmoralTraffic prevention Act 1956.Indecent Represention of women 

(prohibition) Act 1986.

Commission of Sati (prevention )Act 1987.Dowry Prohibition Act 1961.

Sexual Harrassment of women at workplace Act ,2013

Workplace:All places except Agricultural workers and Armed forces. 

Annual compliance is mandatory for all companies under companies act 2013.

Source: Vishaka guidelines given by Supreme Court. 

Local complaints commitee(LCC):five member .Internal complaints 

committee(ICC): four member.

Chairperson always women.At least two women plus third party(NGO)/expert .ICC 

is applicable where employees are equal or more than ten ,on the other hand if 

employees are less than ten than LCC is applicable.

Reports send to District officers /Employer with in sixty days. (Committees 

must do enquiry within ninety days before preparing report).

Employer/District officer must take action with in sixty days. Finally police 

complaint is the logical end.

Aggrieved woman can file complaints with in three months .this limit may be 

extended to three months more.

It also provides safeguards against false or malicious charges. 

50000 penalty or cancelation of license of firm/company in case of non 

compliance by firm/company under this act 2013.

Indian penal code sections for crimes. 

375:Definition of rape.

Oral sex crime.

Anal sex crime.

Manipulation of genital is also crime.376:punishment for rape. 

376:minimum ten years of imprisonment (rigorous)376A:20 years to death penalty 

forVegetative state of survivor.

376AB:20 years to death penalty. Below 12 years of age.

376B:2 to 7 years (marital rape) .Sexual intercourse during judicial 


376C: 5 to 10 year (statury rape).Person in authority with colleague.

376D: 20 years to life time imprisonment. (Gang rape).

376DA: same as 376 D .Gang rape below 16 years of age.

376DB: Life imprisonment to death penalty.Below 12 years of age.

376E:Repeated offender. Life time imprisonment to death penalty. 

366: kidnapping of woman. 10 years imprisonment. 

366A:procuration of minor girl below 18 years of age;10 year imprisonment. 

366B: Import girl from foreign country.  Below the age of 21 years .10 years 


493:False promise of marriage and do cohabitation. 10 years imprisonment. 

377:unnatural penetrative sex with anyone. 10 years imprisonment. Lesbian sex 

not crime in India.Incest sex is also not crime in India.

354: outrage the modesty of woman.1 to 5 year imprisonment. 

354A:sexual Harrassment. Up to 3 years imprisonment. Colored remarks.up to one 

years imprisonment.

354B:Disrobe the woman. 3 to 7 years. 

354 C:Voyeurism. 1 to 3 years first time.3 to 7 years for second time offense. 

354 D:Stalking. 3 to 5 years imprisonment. 

312 :miscarriage by quack. 

3 to 7 years imprisonment. 

313 :miscarriage without consent .10 years to life time imprisonment. 

509:Eve teasing .3 years imprisonment. Non Compoundable crime:No monetary 

settlement.Compondable offense.Pecuniary fine is levied only. 

Bailable offense:Right to bail exist.Non Bailable offense:Bail may be given by 

sessions court .Bail is not a matter of right.

Cognizable offense: Arrest without warrentNon cognizable offence:No arrest 

without warrent.Burden of proof: who will prove he /she is innocent in trial. 

Medical Termination of pregnancy amendment act 2021.Abortion up to 20 

weeks:one doctor.Abortion up to 24 weeks: two doctor. Beyond 24 weeks: medical 

board.It have Gynecologist,Radiologist Sonography specialist. Other expert 

nominated by government.Unmarried girl can opt for Abortion. 

Sex Ratio in India;Female population ×1000/ Male population.

Child sex ratio( 0 to 6 years):female population (0 to 6 years)×1000/ male 

population (0 to 6 years).

Total fertility rate for stationary population.2.1.

Maternal Mortality Rate:Death of mother during child birth per 100000 live 


Neonatel death :Death with in 28 days after birth.Pre neonatel death:death 

with in 7 days after birth.

Late neonatel death Death with in 7 to 28 days after birth.

Post neonatel death Death between 28 days to one yearAfter birth. 

Still birth: death with in 24 hours after birth. 

Infant Mortality:(0-1) year death. 

Net reproduction rate(NRR):It means replacement of current mothers by new 

mothers .NRR =1 stable population. 

NRR is more than one = increasing population. 

NRR is less than one= decreasing population. 

Population growth rate=(A-B)×100/ B.Where ,A= current population. B=Base year 


Law of Marriage:1.Endogamy: within the group. 2.Exogamy: outside the group. We 

do religious endogamy.We do gotra/ clan exogamy. 

Law of marriage:1.Levirate marriage. Marriage with brother in law when husband 

died.Practiced in north India.

2.Sororate Marriage: Marriage with sister in law when wife died. Practiced in 

north India.

Cross cousin marriage. Marriage between the offspring ( kids)of brothers and 

sisters.Parallel cousin marriage Marriage between the offspring ( kids)of 

brothers or sisters.

Cross cousin practiced in central India and South India .it is taboo in North 

India.Parallel cousin marriage not practiced .among Hindus. Levirate and 

Sororate marriageare taboo in South India.

Ancient nomenclature of marriage. Anulome vivah: High caste man with low caste 

woman. Not taboo in India

Pratilome vivah:low caste man with high caste woman. It was forbidden in India.

Polygamy and Polyandry.Polygny(commen term)One male with multiple female 

partners is called Polygamy .One female with multiple male partners is called 

polyandry .it has two types:fraternal means all males are brothers .Non 

fraternal all males are not brothers.Monogamy. One male one female partner at a 

given time.

Research philosophies:1.Radical humanist. 

2.Radical structurelist. 






7.Idealist .



11.Post Positivist. 



Research Approaches;1.Inductive. 



Research Strategies;

1.Action research. 


3.Grounded theory. 

4.Narrative research. 



7.Archival research. 

Data collection method. 

1.Cross sectional data. 

2.Longitudinal data .

Evaluation methods. 




Ethics types.

1.virtue Ethics: person based. 

2.Consequential/ Taleological Ethics : 

Result Based. 

3.Deontological: Action Based.Types of variables 1.Distcrete :Nominal variables

Ordinal variablesIntervel variables:They have the properties ofboth Nominal and 


2.Continous :Ratio variables 

Correrelation :Means strength between variables Domain (0-1)Value more than 

0.75Strong Correrelation. Value=1 perfect Correrelation Value=0 no Correrelation

Value=0 to .25 very weak Correrelation


Nature between variables. 

1.Positive Regression Y= mx+c.

2.Negative Regression Y=-mx +c.

m= slope of the linear line.C= Constent term

X= independent variable 

Y= dependent variable 

Analysis of Variance(ANOVA)

Dependent variable under study is Metric (Intervel or Ratio)

Independent variable =NonMetric Nominal. 

2 way ANOVA 

Dependent variable on

Independent variable are two. 

 3 way ANOVA

Dependent variable:oneIndependent variable:Three

N way ANOVA.

Dependent variable:1

Independent variable:n


M= Multiple Dependent variable:More than one.

Classification of Research. 

1.Pure or fundamental. 

Making ,Reinterpreting and Relaxing Assumptions. 

2.Applied Research. Evaluation and Action. Immediate solution. 

3.Conclusive Research. Descriptive and Diagnostic study.Experimental study 


4.Exploratory Research. Historical Analysis and Case study.

Important Socio-Religious Movements of 19th Century.1.Young Bengal Movement 

(1827).Place:Calcutta Founder:Henry vivion DerozioTo live and die for truth 

Belief in Human reasonIdeas of liberty, fraternity.

2.Brahmo Samaj(1828)Calcutta Raja Ram Mohan Ray was founder.Monotheism and 

goodness of almighty GodOpposed idol worship. 

3.Rahnumai Mazdayasanan Sabha(1851)Founders:Dada Bhai Naoroji,Naoroji 

Furdonji,J.B watcha and others.Emancipation of parsi women, western Education 

among parsi.

4.The veda samaj (1864)k sridharalu was founder.Place:Madras .To stop caste 

distinctions and evil social customs.

5.Radha Swami Movement(1861) Place :AgraTulsi Ram.Supremacy of Guru.

6.Prarthna Samaj(1867)Maharashtra M.G. RanadeAtma Ram panduranga Bhandarker.

Admission of converts from other religions.Removed evil social customs.

7.Arya Samaj (1875) Bombay Swami Dayanand SaraswatiOpposed :polygamy, pardhah 

system,Practice of satiChild marriage, castism Child marriage. 

8.The Aligarh Movement (1875)Syed Ahmed khan ,advocated Female education 

OpposedPardhah system Polygamy Easy divorce .

9.The Theosophical Society 1875, USAMadam Balavatsky Col Olcott.Universal 

Harmony and brotherhood

10. Ramkrishna Mission1887-1889Varanager and Vellore Swami Vivekananda

Upliftment of women.

11.Indian Reform Association1870, Calcutta Keshav Chandra SenOpposed:child 

marriageImprove status of women. 

12.Lakhitwadi1880'sGopal Hari DeshmukhUpliftment of women 

13.Society for social reforms ,(1878) MadrasKandukuri PantuluWidow remarriage 

Female educationOpposed hiring dancing girl.

14.Mahakali Pathshala 1893 ,Calcutta Maharani TapaswiniFemale education 

15.seva sadan1885 Bombay Behramji M.MalabariWomen Upliftment.

16.Natinal Social Conference 1873 Bombay M.G.Ranade ,Ramabai Ranade 

Emancipation of women.

Associations for women,

1.Bharat Mahila Parishad

2.Arya Mahila Samaj

3.Sri zarthosti Mandal 

4.Bharat Shri Mahamandal

5.women's Indian Associations

6.National Council of women for India

7.All- India women 's conference 

Source of knowledge in Indian system of logic.1.Direct Perception Accepted by 

all schools of thought .

2.Inference Accepted by all except charavaka or lokayata 

3.AnalogyAccepted by all except charavaka, Buddha , vaisheiska,samkhya, 

yog,Jaina and jamini.

4.Apprehension Accepted by all except the above mentioned in analogy and Nyaya 


5.Non Apprehension Accepted by vedanta and kumaril Bhatta. 

6.verbal testimony Not accepted by charavaka, Buddha and Veisheisha. 

Contribution of Feminist Thinkers. 1.Dora Montefiore.

A Bundle of Fallacies

Some words to Socialist women 

The Future of woman 

The English woman 

The evolution of sex 

Items of Interest 

Items of Interest from other countries 

Ladles and the Suffeage

The position of women in the Socialist Movement 

What Every Socialist woman should know 

Sudden Jolt Forward of the world

Womanhood Suffrage

Labour party women 's conference 

2 .Alexandra Kollontai

On the history of the movement ofWomen workers in Russia 

International women's day

The labour of women in the evolution of the economy 

Prostitution and ways to fighting it

Sexual Relation and class struggle 

Red love

Thesis on communist Mortality in the sphere of Marital Relation 

3.Virginia wolf 

A room of one's own

Three Guineas

4.simone de Beauvoir

The second sex

5.Evelyn Reed

The Matriarchal-Brotherhood Sex and Labour in Primitive Society 

The myth of women's Inferiority 

A study of Feminist Mystique 

Women:caste, class or Oppressed sex

Feminism and the The female Eunuch

Is Biology woman 's Destiny

Women's evolution:From Matriarchal Clan to Patriarchal Family 

Entrepreneurship :

 the process of making money, earning profits and increase wealth posing 

characteristics such as risk taking. management, leadership and innovation .The 

term entrepreneurship is a complicated term and gives various meaning depending 

on tne situation .concept of entrepreneurship was first established in the 

1700s, and the meaning has evolved ever since. entrepreneurial motivation is 

one of the most important factors which accelerale the pace of economic 

development by bringing the people to undertake risk bearing activities.

Four Key Elements of Entrepreneurship: 


Risk taking 


Organising skills

 One who undertakes an endeavour is an Entrepreneur. Most successtul 

entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes including: reativity, 

dedication, determination, flexibility. leadersnip, passion, self-confidence 

and smarts.

 What leads a person to strike out on his own and start a busines:

 Doing What You Love 

Independence and Freedom

 Recognition and Self Fulfilment

 Income Potential 

Own Boss 


Each entrepreneur personality type can succeed in the business environment if 

it is true to character. identitying strong traits is essential and can act as 

a compass for the business.

The terms Entrepreneur and Manager are considered same but these have diferent 

meanings altogether. These cannot be used interchangeably.

 Intrapreneurship is a combination of entrepreneurship and management skils. 

Intrapreneurship is the practice of entrepreneurship by employees Within an 


Social entrepreneurs:Social entrepreneurs are people with innovative Solution 

to society's most social problems.

They are ambitious and persistent, Tackling major social issues and offering 

new ideas for wide-scale changes.


 Book list:1.Constitution of India

2.Indian penal code

3.Sociology for by Nitin Sangwan (IAS)

NCERT 11 th.12th for conceptual foundation. 

Research Methodology Book IGNOU 


MA Sociology IGNOU STUDY material. 

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