
Power and worship

26 September 2022

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Shakti and worship is the active state of Brahman and the universe is Shakti, just as heat is inseparable from fire, in the same way Shakti is inseparable from Brahman.

Durga, Navdurga, Kali, Ashta Shakti, Nav Shakti, all these are the forms of Para Shakti. Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Maa Saraswati are the main forms of Shakti.

Nature without power is unimaginable, life without power can also be imagined. Our being alive, doing activities is the proof of power. Every need for our life is also available with power.

The senses and vitality are the result of energy, power is the dimension of life.

Upasana = Upa + Asana, this is the meaning. Up means upward or upward effort. Asana means sitting. If you understand the full meaning, then you have to sit with a seat upstairs. But why to sit, the answer is to sit in meditation, sit in order to merge the mind with God. Sitting to concentrate the mind. Sitting free from lust, anger, greed, attachment, malice, jealousy, and ego.

The person who understands every form of Shakti and does spiritual practice and worship. He gets accomplishment and power.

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