
Teachers- builder of nation

20 September 2022

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"Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.” And thoughts result in action.” - Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. 
Starting from this quote, The former President Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, he was not only The President but also a Scientist and a Teacher. He played all these role, but above all his favourite role is the teacher role. He loved to teach something, he motivated students and encouraged them to move towards their dream. The above quote is a famous one and that was his dream. He says Each and every student must have a goal and they must dream a lot. Dreaming is not which happen in sleep the real dream must not allow us to sleep. So even in our sleep we must think about the goal that we want to succeed. Kalam often says this quote. He believed every citizen to move to the dream. His strength was students. He always says students power can do anything and change anything only thing is Dreaming.... Kalam' s wish is to make our India, a democratic country. He worked towards his goal. He preached everyone and all. He did the best role in Precidency and also as a Scientist. He showed drastic change in Department of Space and satellites. But after all his duties atleast he took the job he loved. He wished to return to the teaching field. He gave so many lectures to all the age group students. His teaching and preaching changed so many people. His last wish was to breath his last while teaching, as his wish he died during a lecture session. He strongly believed teachers can bring out so many best citizens and build a good nation.
  Teachers are the pillars who lift the students. They carry the students on their back. They face so many difficulties, they sacrifice a lot but only to make a student a whole man. Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. 
Teachers are the second mother but they are the real mothers. The real mother will have a child or Two to take care. But the teacher have so many including theirs. Teachers take care of them, motivate them, teach them, encourage them, medicate them, etc. They see each and every student as their own one. They mould the students and crave their bad and negativities and make a beautiful sculpture. 
Only a good human being can build a nation. Teachers take a full part in this to make a student, a good human. From kindergarten to higher secondary, students learn a lot and they improve their knowledge teachers make them to be a intellectual person. After that during their higher studies the students will learn a lot about life skills they will come to know about the characteristics and skillfull life will make them a wholesome person. Teachers will have so many experience in handling different type of students. Each studen will have different nature. Teacher can solve all the problems they face. Students also learn a lot from the teachers. Teacher teach education and life skills and both this make the students a successful human being. the successful human being can make a nation they will have that quality to move towards building nation. Teacher are the only source and reason when a man succeed in life. Teachers are the one who build nation because a wholesome man can create a strong nation, the man who learnt everything from the teacher creates a nation. They achieve a lot in many field. In all their achievements and success there will always be a person that one is their teacher. 
Teachers  teach, encourage, support, love, create, mould, crave, motivate, enlighten, built, and their are the role models for the students they love. Teacher build a nation till their last. 

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