
Our Youth

23 August 2022

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It was summer spring when the weather was warm but feeling cool, the sun was shining on our heads high but it feels so good and relaxing. We were 8 and living in our own world not knowing the hardships and struggles of real world out there. We were gathered to grandma's house at early morning when birds were chirping in the fields, golden rays of sun were falling to the flowers making them look more beautiful, the mist on the grass were giggling to our naked foots. We were playing when we heard a sound of bell from down the streets, we ran towards it with a smile on our lips and our eyes shining brightly as there was this old man standing with a big basket filled with cotton candies with different colour of animal shapes. We were so cheerful and happy at that time as we didn't even notice and it was already dawn. Our parents called out for us but we ran up to the hill top as none of us wanted to go home that soon. The another day was going to be our school day and none of us had completed our home work. We were running, shouting, playing, giggling, falling and rolling everywhere through the town. The day was so perfect that we didn't even realised how it ends that soon. As time passes the days like that becomes more shorter than usual, we started getting busy with our work loads. Our meetings in our grandma's house were never experienced again. And the day comes when we turn 18. Everyone was shifting to their new places, some had already left, some were going to stay and some would never see us again. The houses, the birds, the fields, the flowers, everything remains same with lots of memories of our childhood, our spring and our beloved summer but the only thing going to left them were the living parts of those memories (us). We were going apart but our youth was the most prettiest and beloved memory we will keep with us forever.

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