Never loose self confidence.
Let's discuss on an incident which is common for every huaman being.can you guess which is the factor that make people in trouble.this is nothing but only the lack of knowledge.
Lots of success people asked about their is the thing by which most people motivate.
As I got experience in my life this is the lack of knowledge and delayed in starting of action.
Generally people say that person is successful in his life.what is the meaning of success?
This is different for different person .
Once you decide to do something if you do it then you success otherwise fail!
Hence success is the fulfillment of your need.and achievement of the thing which is not easy for others.
Don't care about the thing which is happening around you.those things only distract you from your work.and distraction in work affect your upcoming achievement so always be concentrate and keep on working till you don't complete it.
You are only the person who can do it.there is no other person who make it easy for you except ur eithe you find a coach or be your own teacher.
I am here to help all those people who are suffering for guidance.
Thanks to all of you .