
Motivational Books

Motivational books in english

if you are going through a low phase in your life and require some motivation this list curated by Shabd is your one-stop need. reading motivational books can make a huge difference in you and the world around you. These books provide practical guidance to achieve personal and professional success. These books are highly recommended to convince yourself to develop better habits and be a better person.
BARATO Motivational Poetry English

Motivational poetry"Embark on a journey of inspiration and empowerment with our captivating collection of motivational poetry. Each verse is a beacon of hope, guiding you through life's twists and turns with wisdom, courage, and resilience. Dive into

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4 Chapters
10 May 2024

कुछ तो करना होगा

जो खो गया है इस जग में,उसको पानें की कोशिश में तुम को थोड़ा जलना होगा, समय से पहले पाना होगा, पा जाओगे तुम एक दिन,बस कोशिश करते रहना होगा उसको पा जानें की चाहत में,तुम्हें थोड़ा सा तपना होगा‌।। बस कर्म से पीछे मत हटना,तुम कोशिश करना और थकना एक दिन त

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0 Chapters
4 May 2024