
Little Quotes for life

4 August 2022

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1.Life is a collection of

 lush green thoughts

As well as troubles pebbles


2. Betrayal is like

Single piece of thorn

 Pierced right into your heart


3.In the world of computers & softwares

WiFi ids & passwords go hand in hand

Just like us

I will always be your I'd



Is the originality 

Found in naive & innocent

It cannot be corrupt


5.Rain falls here

 Rain falls there

All the grounds are wet

With surrounding green grass

With droplets of water

On the leaves and trees hanging 

every where

Like green border of a brown saree

Which I like to wear for my birthdayparty


6.Understanding is 

Mutual comprehension between two individuals who are

 either  couple

Or friends or family members

 living together


7.Honesty is one virtue 

which is equivalent to

 gold in your hand


8.One thing  is  scary but true:

Is the death hanging over you in the form of accidents


9.Self -love is a habit

Which should be practiced with hardwork.


10.Laziness is lethargy in unlimited proportions


11.Suspense is the key

To life in general

It holds a suspense 

Till the answer is revealed

Like the slow climax 

At the end of a high drama



 is like a trap of quicksand 

Making us sink deep into pit, without even realising it


13.Nicknames are given

 by your near and dear

Cherish them like  treasure

They are tokens of love ,for you dear

Spelt with concern & care


14.Write whatever comes into your mind

Write till you come 

To the end of your piece

Without stopping anywhere 

Even though it makes no sense

Because poetry is a spontaneous overflow of thoughts just like 

Water in a waterfall .


15.As the drops from the high skies

Landed on the parched grounds of

Thirsty earth, everything on earth just 

got alive & kicking with full of life

Blooming into fresh ,clean , beautiful beings 


16.The world outside is bright and beautiful

But not my mind

It keeps on churning again and again

Negative & bad things

For me to remember who I am really


17.Take care of your city

As it provides home & haven 

On this beautiful earth


18.Letters of my poem

Fall on the ground

As yellow flowers

Fall from its tree

And yet the poem

Looks full and beautiful

With its meaning

Lying between the lines

Just as some more 

Yellow flowers bloom

In carnations among the branches

Giving it the most amazing look

In the whole neighborhood.


19.I like to sleep with 

Some lights on

Since I fear somethings

Dark and dreadful

May appear suddenly 

And make me scared of

Even my own shadow

In the darkest hour of the night


20.April &  May


April is a beautiful month

With new things regenerative


May helps them to grow ,mature

Into total productive adults

In a handsome manner


21.Summers are filled with

Hot,balmy , dry,sweaty  days

Nights are cool, fragrant 

With clear starry skies,

 mangoes and watermelons


22.Miracles of night

Dreams are 

Endowed with blessings

Or Nightmares

They make you

slowly step into another 

Wonderful land

 While sleeping.


23.Online friendships are like

Invisible wires

That lure you to share everything

But are temporary in nature

Which does not have any solidity

Which melt like salt in water

As soon as someone tries to reach for

Some commitment to seal the deal




Should be empty

Despite of its grandeur

As noone wants to be caged forever


25.Quitting this race

When I got tired

Erasing all my memories

Running away from here

Turning point will be

You will be searching for me

Ever and ever

For years together


26.If I could live in my poems

I would sail across the words

Like waves on sea

I would eat the metaphors

Like the treats in a cake shop

I would play with my alliterations

Like the beautiful butterflies fluttering by

In the garden of my poetry

I would wonder at the play of words

Like the enchanting blossoms & flowers

On the side way on a road trip

I would sleep on my similes

Like the green grass on the ground

Open to sky counting many stars

Until I get drowsed with sleep


27.ReReading your texts is like

Trying to remember something

Which is obviously important to

Make something productive and useful

To make your lifestyle active and healthy

Thus making your life happy & cheerful


28.When I am too tired to speak

My eyes reveal my feelings

My emotions gather on my face

Creating a hue of colourful shades 

On my face 

Thus expressing my updated thoughts and ideas 


29.Our unique quality of 

Understanding each other

 To the point of remaining 

Far from each other 

For the sake of our 

Duties and responsibilities

Kept on our shoulders 

To be fulfilled with due respect & authorities'


30.Various colors of various shades

Show different forms of how life is made

And how good results can be achieved


31.When I sit in solitude

Poems fly out of my heart

Like butterflies from their new nest

Wandering around into the world

Searching new avenues

To finally find a place in a new anthology

Of a printed book with a beautiful cover


32.The moments I spent with you

Are the ones  for which I lived 

And expected to be so special

Because they are always  the best

Seconds of my life

Even though they may not repeat

They become my beautiful and unique

Memories of my whole life


33.Tiny black birds sitting on window sills

Feathers of doves & pigeons playing

In the midair 

White clouds in the form of different shapes 

Passing away due to breezes at mid intervals

Tall green trees and green ferns in the 

Surrounding areas of locality 

Swaying their heads to the afternoon breezes

What a sight to watch from the high silled Window

Of your closed room after a long work-out

Of cleaning & organizing your belongings

On a hot Sunday afternoon


34.Smile is the one miracle

Which can

Melt  million hearts


35.I caught myself smiling

When I saw little funny moments

I caught myself smiling

When I saw the full moon shining

I caught myself smiling

Whenever we were playing some tricks

I caught myself smiling

When I could inhale sweet fragrances of the flowers

I caught myself smiling

Whenever I see you acting funny

 just to see me smile and laugh heartily


36.Be you

Your family will adjust

Show your natural traits

Your friends will adjust

Show your honesty

Your acquaintances will notice

Show your helpfulness

Your neighbours will recognise

Show your generosity

Your locality poor will remember

Stand on your principles

Your children will follow

Stand on your word

Your enemies will fear

Always Be YOU

The world will adjust.


37.Hope is the  white fairy

Who used to live in Heaven

But for the sake of human race

Forsaken all the pleasures of Paradise

 And came to be always kind to humans

In all the cruel times


38.I often wonder

What is the meaning of this life?

And  the answer occurs

The purpose becomes meaningful

Then arises another question

For whom should we live?

The answer lies in the question

That we have to live for ourselves

No matter what the situation occurs

Or how we shape up 

Eventually it is our life


39.When I am all alone

I sit by the side of a big stone

Write all  my poems

Within my free time

Thinking of you

Which is also true


40.Don't build a wall of barriers

With your loved ones

Out of ego and pride

Since the moments of your life

Are short & sweet to be spent

Only  in the company of

Those who are closer to your heart

Because they can provide you with

Peace & happiness to your wounded heart


41.A person heals when

He takes some time out 

To connect with Mother Nature

Which is an integral part of him

Day in and day out

Become one with the elements of Mother Nature's constituency


42.Confusion is that app

Which boggles your mind

And makes you loose all senses

Thus making your mind blank

Like a blank microsoft windows document

#################################### thing that is new and exciting

Is a new day

Because it brings new 

Avenues of oppurtunities


44.On a cloudy Sunday

I was going on my usual way

Then I saw a flock of birds on the way

Careening into the sky

Flying very very high

They were together

Following each other

Also following their leader

Like a family with mother & father

A son &  their daughter

And some friends & relatives of their

The family supporting each other

Flying long distances together

With a strong bond of love & care

They shared with each other

They were out of sight flying away altogether


45.Betrayal is like

Single piece of thorn

 Pierced right into your heart


46.It's only after talking to you

That I realised my value

In your life as a friend

It's only after talking to you

That I realised my value as a mother

It's only after talking to you

That I realised my value as a person

Who is caring and sharing 

It's only after talking to you

That I realised my true worth 

In this world,who has come

To perform some tasks

And later leave with no regrets

In my mind,heart or soul

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47.A poet knows

How to bring several views

Into one single picture with his 

Words and alliterations,

With rhymes and rhythmic letters

With his sounds and right stresses

So that

The picture is visualised by the reader

Exactly as the poet wishes to be revealed



 is like a trap of quicksand 

Making us sink deep into pit, without even realising it


49.New ways of saying Thank you

Is to helping the person 

Who is shy & modest in their approach

New ways to say Thank you

Is to know their favourites & treat 

Them  without any regrets

New ways of saying Thank you

Is to acknowledge their ways of 

Helping others & trying to assist them

In the ways, its unique possible manner

Thus paying tribute & gratitude in a 

Most amazing manner which may bring

A wonderful smile on their lips 

Thus accepting our gratitude  gracefully

& honourably 


50.Work is worship

Only when

 it provides right satisfaction

It provides right oppurtunities

It provides right payment for

What you are worth deserving 

It enhances your name and fame

It provides right value to your

Hard-work , skills and experience

That you invest in building the institution

As well as raiseng the standards of society


51.Nicknames are given

 by your near and dear

Cherish them like  treasure

They are tokens of love ,for you dear

Spelt with concern & care


52.If two colors would be best friends

     They would be

      Yellow and brown, because

   Brown has little bit of yellow

And yellow has little bit of brown

Not controlling each other

But blending to become a beautiful

Color of gold and sunshine

Which complements our mornings every day


53.As the drops from the high skies

Landed on the parched grounds of

Thirsty earth, everything on earth just 

got alive & kicking with full of life

Blooming into fresh ,clean , beautiful beings 


54.I want you to stop feeling sorry for me'

As I am lacking in nothing

I have the confidence to succeed

I have the skills to perform

I have the talents to showcase

I have the necessary qualifications to 

Get through the life as and when it 

Throws challenges in my way with a 

Happy smile and a daring heart


55.Fireflies fly at night

Seen only in countryside

Holding little lamps 

In their pockets

Just like the white  angels

With white feathered wings

Holding lights of hope

To dispel the dark 

Gloom of humans

In all the times and ages


56.Dear Humans

Please be kind 

To those who are in 

Need of your kindness

Please be aware that

The earth is a living place

For all other living beings

 Following the rule of

Live and let live

Thus preserving humanity



Little quotes
Few quotes for Life