
Indian Judiciary - May or maynot dispence justice.

16 September 2022

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As a concerned citizen of this country I feel it is only matter of sheer luck if one can get justice from our Indian courts,starting from both civil and criminal matters .The most responsible factor being corruption.Judicary is plagued by it,be it the magistrates,session,high courts or even Supreme courts .

It is possible to buy judgements as desired with power of money,influence and power all three reasons . Judgements taking ages,justice delayed being akin to justice denied,is all to be heard and frequently seen by litigents.

This is a first hand account of true to life events.

To those who state - law has very long hand- this is a misnomer- the high and mighty can get away with anything including murders eg Killing of MLA Krishnanand Rai by Don Mukhtar Ansari s henchmen .Even tough the whole world knows his involvement,he got acquitted by session court ,where is justice - my foot.Not in this nation called India.

Here politicians and criminals go hand in hand with equally corrupt journalist who  peddle news in favour of the ruling parties.

Bahuballies like Sahabuddin of Bihar ,rule the roost.All mafia dons do, while the police and judiciary remain silent spectators.

Be it any political party all are corrupt and misuse power to suit their own interests first.

Supreme court judges are lured with post retirement glubnutorial posts like governorship or some commission chairmanship.I have yet to hear of supreme court showing enough spunk in intrest of justice  by striking down  any government decision which has been unjust- in the intrest of justice.After all their decisions become a landmark/benchmark for other decisions to follow suit,but their is no integrity even by them.Any decisions which goes against the centre govt is struck down and govt position always upheld no matter what.Seats in Rajya sabha after tenure as SC judge is a icing on the cake for them to eat after retirement how and why should they become bad in good books of govt ,after all vested self intrest is more necessary.

I have realised the saying - stay away from,Docters,Lawyers,and the Police.All three entrap you in a vicious circle of sucking your hard earned money without giving you anything in return,and just zilch for your investment.

As a litigent in court we often hear -even the walls of the courts ask for money if you happen to be the unfortunate soul stuck in court matters.

Starting from offering bribe to the halkara- who shouts out the case serial no for attention of the general public, to the court clerk who sometimes fixes date and only on receipt of hush money gives you a favourable date ,meaning you can postpone or prepone date of next hearing depending on how much you are willing to graciously dole out,to the gulliable public prosecutor who will go soft or strict in the case depending on how well you have buttered his bread and how well your got your side of the lawyer cosied upto him ,to court staff at lawyer/ clerical level who will entice you to pay a certain amount to the deciding judge to rule in your favour with no guarantees of you getting what you want still .The lawyers fleece you well enough to empty your coffers drawing out a case as long and agonising as possible to milk your money like a kamdhenu cow.You can get evidence removed/burned/lost from judicial custody if you are willing to grease palms of the court staff.The lawyers decide from which judge should the decision be got depending on their earlier laison with them.If the litigent is like harshad Mehta he will hire big guns like  Ramjethmalani or Kapil sibal in which case both high court and supreme court will show a sense of urgency and will give orders/ stay on priority basis awed by big reputation of the Advocates otherwise for normal practising advocates their cases are disposed off in routine manner,giving further dates for hearing ( Often heard the dialogue - Tarikh per Tarikh).All this is very true .If an untoward unfortunate incident occurs first responders are the cops who like vultures swoon down compelling you to bribe them with a heafty sum depending on the seriousness of the charges for or against you.You can bribe them to put trivial charges if matters are grim,or bribe them to fix/ put heavy/ multiple charges should they so decide If you happen to be a scruplous fellow ,they will surely screw your happiness till you understand the concept - of resolving issues with less money spent on bribing them and getting away from your crime/misdeed/good deed,then on getting into litigation and facing court matters which will take ages to resolve or sometimes even that may not happen in your single Judicial system in this country stinks.The police can do as they please- they can fabricate evidence like taking fingerprints forcebly/unknowingly to the suspect,they can get the Docters doing postmortem to give a certain set of outcome instead of actual facts because it's in their sphere of immediate and direct influence.The Docters doing postmortem can very much give false evidence which will be construed as true as it given by a sarkari docter.The cops get forensic evidence as per their desire to either create incriminating evidence to trap the suspect or even give evidence to mitigate the occurance of crime itself depending on their disposition towards you.All of this is a everyday happening in our society against which no one raises a voice.Chalta- hai attitude is atypical Indian mindset.

Somehow I use to believe the concept of justice would be existing atleast if matters were finally to reach Supreme Court,but when they too do as the Romans do -the reality takes a hit.I don't know if US Supreme Court would be a totally uncorrupted or an influence
free court,but I guess it must be the same condition even there afterall we get the leaders we deserve,of the people by the people but not for others,only for themselves.

We have a corrupt police,corrupt political leaders,corrupt beaucracy and equally corrupted Judiciary.None amongst them is above the law.

When the Indian Supreme Court takes suo moto action towards holding someone in contempt ,do they really turn a blind eye towards all the misdeeds occuring at various levels of the govt, I wonder.

In India right is of the might.Very unlike the Ram Rajya certain politicians would want us to believe in ,like Acche- Din.



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