
How does global warming effects

10 April 2023

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Purpose Statement

The purpose of this statement to provide  short brief about global warming and its effects.

Global Warming

Global warming is playing very potent role in the weather conditions of all around the world, this pace has been increased from last hundred years due to the burning of fossil fuels and
cutting of the trees also effecting the nature due to the shortage of fresh air.

Global drastic changes are affecting the nature and the human beings, human being intervene towards the nature ands its resources. has been increased a lot, earth temperature is  increasing
steadily and because of the inception of different types of green house gases.(carbon dioxide )

Deforestation is also the cause, as we are expanding. our presence in forests. mountains too, causes climate changes, due to our intrusion, we are promoting to build structured buildings, malls, roads,green houses even in mountain areas in the form of development we are harming
the nature consequences arises like floods, earthquakes, natural calamities.

Recently kedarnath  flood caused by melting of ice &snow on the kedarnath mountain in 2013, resulted non stop rain and landslides in that area effected so many people and natural resources, many of them have lost their houses and their works, as their families were dependent on that.

Researchers are still finding the causes of flood, as over 70,000 human lives effected and lost too.


1)Snow melting: Snow melting has increased a lot, because of the warmer atmosphere.

2)Glacier shrinking: Glacier is shrinking due to global conditions and hot temperature, solar
radiation effects snow & ice to melt, as ocean temperature is increasing

3)Sea level : Sea level is rising day by day, due to the  globalization.

4)Floods: Frequent flood rates are also increasing.

5)Earthquakes: Climate change may not directly causes earthquakes caused extreme rates over the years.

Conclusion: Global warming is major threat to our global society, we have to find the solution
by clean energy production,economic development.

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