Kartar Singh Sarabha was only nineteen and a half years old when he was hanged to death on 16 November 1915. The martyr Sarabha and his comrades worked to unite the Indians living in America and Canada in order to uproot the British Raj that had enslaved India. Although the 'Ghadar Party' came into being in 1913, 'Ghadar' began on 19 February 1915 when Sarabha and his colleagues planned an armed attack on the British to set India free. It gave the much required impetus to the aspiration of liberation as 200 people were martyred in this attempt. This incident can therefore be viewed as the second armed attempt for liberation after 1857. Thereafter, Kartar Singh Sarabha emerged as a popular hero. His short political career is dotted with many feats. In fact, Shaeed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh also emulated Sarabha as his ideal.
2 Books