
Confidence is the Key.

19 August 2022

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No matter who we are, no matter where we are, anybody can lift his life to new levels. The key is 'Confidence'. Whatever we do in our daily lives, we need confidence to move on. Without confidence one cannot achieve to the heights he or she dream of. Confidence is the fuel which pushes you to do the impossible things. Most of the people suffer lack of confidence due to which they are never able to achieve the things they want to. 

Many people with good abilities and intectuallity are seen to be helpless due to lack of confidence in themselves. Not believing in own abilities, not giving importance to self, poor self esteem results in lack of confidence. 

It's not like that confidence is in-built, some gets it from their genes but most of the times we have to make efforts to built a good confidence level. Parents have to play important roles in building confidence in kids thats why said that good parenting requires effort. As for kids it is the time where a base is building slowly, whatever they see at this time makes a impression on them. For parents it is very important to understand that confidence is something that has to be nurtured in kids.

Many times people go through bad times or something catastrophic happens in their life which shakes their belief system which also affects their confidence. For building a good confidence level anyone has to make regular efforts until it becomes your habit. 

Action is required to build a good confindence. Only sitting and thinking cannot help you in building confidence, action is required in day to day life. Anyone has to come out of its comfort zone to achieve miracles in life and without believing in own abilities it is impossible. 

Lack of confidence is also seen in people who are more focussed and interest in other lives rather than looking at their own lives. In this way they are going away from their own self. Because they don't have sense of their own lives. Every second they are thinking of others, having keen interest in what is happening in other people lives. Believe me this leads to disaster.

They key to confidence is believing in our own assests. Don't move away from yourself too much, don't live lives of others. Focus on yourself. Focus on your goals. God has made everyone special. Yes, sometimes bad times comes but thats LIFE. Most people fail to understand life. Good and bad are two sides of same coin. You cannot control it. You cannot control some things but the thing that you can control is YOURSELF. 

So start from today, first of all give importance to yourself. Love yourself, the more you are closer to yourself, the more confidence you have. You are the only one who can make change in your life. With great confidence anyone can achieve impossible things in their lives. So get set ready and GO.....

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