In the Indian Vedas great praises are given to Sun. All the living beings get their energy from the Sun and this energy is abundant and unlimited, so it can be use to cure various diseases. The Sun has seven colours of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Out of which the first three are creating cool effect in our body and are also antiseptic. The last three create heat; green is neutral.
The effect of different colours on different diseases:
Bones and bone marrow, Tumour, Baldness, Cataract, Blindness.
ENT problems, facial paralysis, lungs diseases, asthma, Less digestive power, nervous systems
Problems, convulsion, madness, T.B.
Whooping cough, all types of diseases, problems in throat, fever, typhoid, small pox, measles, mouth ulcer, cholera, swelling in brain, nervous problem, insomnia, mental depression, semen discharge problems, burns, bleeding from nose.
Heart problems, lower and high blood pressure, skin problems, Cancer, influenza, syphilis, pain in eyes.
All disorders of digestion, spleen, liver problems, diabetes and leprosy.
Chronic asthma, bronchitis, swelling in trachea, gout, swelling, kidney, mental nervousness, epilepsy.
Anemia, disability, sluggishness, cold, paralysis, white spots, arthritis, T.B.
Procedure to take the rays:
90 minutes from the Sunrise and 60 minutes before the Sunsets; keep the glassof the desired colour in the Sunlight in such a way that the rays falls on the effected areas. While taking this rays care should be taken to see the patient is not exposed to strong direct wind.
If is not possible take a 60-100 watt bulb of the desired colour or take a coloured gelatin paper and wrap it around the ordinary plain bulb, keep at the effected parts 20 inch away for 5-10 minutes twice a day.
Taking colours through the water:
Take a glass bottle of the desired colour. If not available use coloured gelatin paper. Fill it ¾ and keep it in the Sunlight for at least 3 hours between 10 AM-3 PM on a wooden plank. More than 3 hours is not harmful, just take care that this type of coloured water is not exposed to any other type of colours.
This colour medicated water can be given to the patient at an interval of 15-20 minutes depending upon intensity of the diseases.