

 Cops are brave,  To be like them I crave,  Forever ready to protect us,  Without making a fuss.     Cops are brave,  To be like them I crave,  They are men of law,  And never make a flaw.   

 Math is interesting,  To me it’s very addicting.     There is addition,  It is the addends fusion.     And there is subtraction,  It is the process of deduction.     We also learn multiplica

Corona virus has spread around the world, The way of our education has twirled. We have to attend classes online, Currently the state of the world is fine. Through tablets we study every day,

 To the zoo on Sunday,  It was exciting in every way.     We saw a huge lion,  His name was Brian.     A tiger resting calmly,  A monkey poking it slyly.     A rhinoceros bathing happily,  A

 Summer is the time to have fun,  All day long, shines bright the sun.     We get to eat mouth - watering ice creams,  And hang out with our teams.     Cotton clothes come into fashion,  They a

 Fish are of many types,  There are many fish with stripes.     We can keep them as pets,  And also catch them with nets.     Some fish are dangerous,  But I am fearless.     In water bodies

Water is my friend, For the safety of the Earth, on it I depend. Water can also be written as H2O, When I first saw it, I accidentally said Hello. Water is transparent, But it is also very im

 Oxygen we inhale,  Carbon dioxide we exhale,  A mixture of gases is air,  And it is everywhere.     Oxygen we inhale,  Carbon dioxide we exhale,  The air enters our nose,  Like water through

 My planet is Earth,  To me it has a worth.     My planet is called the Blue – planet,  When it becomes dark, I hide in my blanket.     The Earth is seventy percent water,  My favourite animal

 I wake up joyfully at six,  What I will do today I will fix.     Then I go to cycle,  And its name is Michael.     I take my laptop and sit,  I will attend the class after ma’am admits.    

 If I had a wand,  I would do what I want,  Like Harry Potter I would do magic,  And not something tragic.     If I had a wand,  I would do what I want,  Like Voldemort I would not take over th

If I were invisible, I would not be physical. I would prank everyone, And have limitless fun. I would make somebody flip, And make them drip. Make them invisible, I would, And tell them t

On 14th November is Children’s Day, I wrote that with clay. Chacha Nehru is the cause for it, It is true I admit. It is celebrated on Chacha Nehru’s birthday, It is unique in every way. He

I love my country! Our enemies have no entry. When my country is in danger, I will not idly sit, I will sacrifice my life for it. I will grow to be a good citizen, I will not change my charac

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Love in the Bible, as in our everyday usage, can be directed from person to person or from a person to things. When directed toward things, love means enjoying or taking pleasure in those things.

Jeyan is my name,  I have an aim.     I once had a dream,  About an ice-cream.     I am a boy who is happy,  I have a dog named Tappy.     On New Year a sapling I plant,  Passing that day wi

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Once there lived a boy named Anand who was very honest. He lived in Sonapur. One day, he had a test in History. Anand was so worried that he started biting his nails. When everybody submitted their pa

Shyamu was a jealous and a selfish boy. One day, he was invited to one of his friend’s dance party. The party was planned in a club house. A competition was awaiting for everybody who came to the part

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Tina was a greedy girl. One day, in school a new girl joined in Tina’s section. Her name was Mary. That same day everybody was invited to Mary’s welcome party including Tina.         At the party, T

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Ramu was an over – confident boy. His over – confidence would surely cost him some day but Ramu did not understand that. The next day his final exams were starting. But he did not study for the exam t