
Mahatma Gandhi

1 October 2022

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Mahatma Gandhi whom we affectionately call Bapu. He was one of the top leaders of India's freedom struggle. Bapu was the priest of truth and non-violence who bowed down the British without taking up any weapon and liberated the country which was fettered in slavery for 200 years.

Precious thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi to life

gets a new direction

Which will give a new turn to our life.

Gives enthusiasm and inspiration towards life.

Some such precious thoughts composed by Mahatma Gandhi, which Mahatma Gandhi brought in his life and also enriched the lives of his own companions.

A person's thoughts are everything.

What he thinks, he becomes.

If you want to find yourself, the best way is to lose yourself in the service of others.

All religions give the same teaching, just their point of view is different.

With your humility, you can make the whole world

can shake

none with our self esteem

can play unless we allow it

There is no other way to peace, only peace.

You don't understand the importance of someone until you've really lost someone.

Silence is the most powerful speech. Slowly this world will definitely listen to you.

We should not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean, if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, then the whole ocean cannot be called dirty.

World's greatest 7 truths Wealth without work, Happiness without conscience, Science without humanity, Knowledge without character, Politics without principles, Business without morality, Worship without sacrifice.

This is my favorite idea which Mahatma Gandhi has given as a gift to every human being who adopts them in their life, they lead a satisfied life.

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