
A doctor

14 August 2022

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     A women with a kind heart struggles a lot to reach her goals

     Women stands in big auspicious cermony with a successful doctor title
(everyone claps n waits for her speech)
     women's starts speaking : thank you so much to everyone to all doctors who reached here
   I am here to answer your questions anything anyone can ask me I am here to answer
    there a person of media stands and asks : what are the steps u took to become success
  the women answers: nothing steps hardwork made me success please remember everyone success does not have short cuts r steps it's just come by your everyone please keep going success will come oneday.
    media person it's correct thank you

one more person from media: can you briefly describe about your story
women: why not! it's a good question
  here's the story starts
        I am a girl child who born in middle class family with two sisters and a father n mother   
   A single hand for money earning for whole family (5mem)
after I born neighbours are telling to my father u got girl child be careful n save money
same continued for 2 nd girl child too
n when my last sister born my mom,dad,me, everyone was happy n I never seen my dad feeling sad of girl children
but neighbours everytime they were like girl child middleclass be careful that this blah blah
but my father never bother about neighbours he was happy infront of us but inside god knows
as everything going normal going to school coming back and weekends going to picnic,movie month ends to some tour everything fine
in the same way we are growing up to teenage my father becoming old and some health issues are also seen
 where I am the 1st daughter and my aim is to become doctor n my parents aim is to become an ias to serve the poor
  now I want to join in inter but my parents never force to do what they want so I thought why can't I try my I took bipc to become doctor everything going fine and final exams in 1 St yr came somehow I ve passed in great marks in the same way 2nd yr too
Then everyone knows if want to become doctor mbbs u need to clear NEET/EAMCET. my parents they encourage n supported me do whatever you want I am there
but he can't afford financially so I thought if I get free seat I can continue in my goals if not I should give up n should follow parents atleast

 In the same thought .I ve given my exam somehow my hardwork n god's grace I got seat in top college everyone was happy
   Everytime you know about neighbours .you r taking risk of sending your daughter to that much far n big college be careful
 My dad he never minds n he sent me to a mbbs cllg first day my whole family came to join me and everyone was so happy because we middle class studying under free seat here
   Then I need to join in hostel so there everyone came emotional as never till that time I didnt left my parents for the 1 St time same with them it tools me days to become normal even them
  As my studies going not bad some time.i may feel bore but life is going
culturals,sports I don't like .like in the sense I am just audience n I got good freinds
  In my 3rd yr I guess as I am girl I too faced those problems one guy he is not my branch too he use to follow me n i use to ignore same way he wants to talk to me after 8-9months he came he just proposed me. As everyone knows middle class everything we like to happen after telling to parents to take any step so at first I didn't bother much.Then one fine day he use to blackmail me I didn't bother then after completing my final exams he use to harass it's going far so I informed to parents they also can't do anything as he was rich
   I came to home my sister's also grown up
   They saw the incidents of rape,kidnap the papers n news
   Neighbors like why are taking risk in why can't you do marriage to your daughter's society is too bad that this
 Please don't misunderstand your father thoughts he is forcing he is not allowing my dreams they need ur life in this society
  Whatever they thinks is correct I will accept that
  Somehow I ve completed my mbbs then my dad started seeing matches I asked permission for 5months for my pg entrance I prepared well n I got seat
  Everyone was happy .I know that my dad was little scared he got me a good match because of some pressure
   And somehow they are ok with studies after my marriage so I am happy
  as middle class fears my dad did my marriage I thought here is an end point to my dreams  
     The day of sending me it's really to much hard to a daughter n a father
where she needs permission she can't live However she want n a father misses her little princess he remembers everything from her childhood many memories
  Everyone thinks a daughter is a burden but a father won't think that he think she is princess because the understanding n bond no-one knows
   With so many difficulties like doing work in home,cllg, studying, practical etc.. I ve completed my pg
   And my mother-in-law family it's good n my partner he is also a doctor he use to explain which I can't understand n he bare my stress,my frustration everything
  As everygirl thinks arrange marriage is a big thing
  Nothing like that it's all based on understanding n ego think it's also my family mother in law is mother same father n partner is to share things
  Understanding play key role in life n people I was so happy after marriage too we are meeting for festivals with my own family n going trips together I didn't miss my father that much
   Where I like my mother in law too
and we are celebrating everyone bdays in greatfully weekend r with a movie in home with popcorn weekend with nyt dancing like a pub in home with soft drinks I my partner some time spending in a great way I was satisfied not happy little fights between me n my mother in law
As she also like my mother she has right to scold me ,she correct me if I am going in wrong path ,I am ready to ask apologize n move on from fights
 When it comes to my partner here also little misunderstanding fights I am there to apologise because he is working his thoughts should fill with work n any aims ,dreams not with family problems n fights and I am there to family to do anything for them

    Everything going normal one day nyt a call as emergency everyone know doctor aim is to treat patients anytime same way my partner want to go for emergency he died because of an Accident
   Morning I woke up one of the unexpected thing happen to me I went into depression my mother in law family forced me to do another marriage the one hand of money earning hand was not there
  So my situation is do I need to do second marriage r I want to take the responsibilities
   Then I came to a decision after 2 yrs depression n mental illness why can't I can bring my dreams true n why can't I start my life with these people only
  And one day I started to go some job in some hosiptal as I completed pg after 3-4 yrs job experience
 In that 3-4 yrs I faced many problems with the hospital people n neighbours why can't u marry ,I have seen widow my works will stop everything
  Losing my partner is a big thing infront of that I felt everything as a marble so I overcame everything with a smile without any violence
    Then I thought I should answer everyone with my succes n I discussed with my mother in law they was supporting me I took their responsibility
  Then I start a small clinic I know that how hard to earn a ruppee so I thought charges of hosiptal for a patient should be reasonable n they need good treatment as my parents wish to serve poor
  The only IAS can serve poor. anyone can serve just you need is kind heart
  So with reasonable cost medical treatment I ve started from clinic to hosiptal it came for very poor I ve given free treatment too
   Then I visited to colleges n I selected some pg doctors by seeing them in treatment , behaviour towards poor to admit them in my hosiptal
  If I need to run it perfectly the hosiptal everything n everyone should be perfect so I roamed many hosiptal for the every person who works in my hosiptal I searched a lot for each doctor
  After that my hosiptal became multispecailty hosiptal where everyone who I select should have great hear which fills with kind which needs for the poor people treatment
   Like way I started why can't I can keep this hosiptal in every state as it was helpful n needful to many people
   In same way still I am searching for doctors,nurses,attender,sweepers in hosiptals,colleges
  And I hired people from homeless people,from some trusts but no-one knows that I am giving job
   In this world noones knows how two persons are linked to others
  I have taken roadside people I ve given them food, shelter , everything even job
 I have did everything to decrease poverty in our India still I am hiring many of them till my last breath I will search n I will hire.please don't underestimate anyone everyone has some talent find that n help them
  And when it becomes to my hosiptal charges what can I do with money I just need people happiness from my earnings I just take for my food n shelter others everything is for the treatment who don't have
    By that I become success
End of the day: I use to tell nothing u take n go after dead other than other happiness please be kind n good with everyone help everyone how much u can don't play with people's life don't make businesses with people's life
 And please understand a gods plan don't worry for anything everything happens for a reason
  Be positive 😊 thank you for giving this opportunity to share my memories with happy tears she moves on
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