
Meaning of வழக்கு in English

  • A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding goods; a case for spectacles; the case of a watch; the case (capsule) of a cartridge; a case (cover) for a book.
  • A box and its contents; the quantity contained in a box; as, a case of goods; a case of instruments.
  • A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
  • An inclosing frame; a casing; as, a door case; a window case.
  • A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
  • To cover or protect with, or as with, a case; to inclose.
  • To strip the skin from; as, to case a box.
  • Chance; accident; hap; opportunity.
  • That which befalls, comes, or happens; an event; an instance; a circumstance, or all the circumstances; condition; state of things; affair; as, a strange case; a case of injustice; the case of the Indian tribes.
  • A patient under treatment; an instance of sickness or injury; as, ten cases of fever; also, the history of a disease or injury.
  • The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law; a suit or action at law; a cause.
  • One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension; the relation which a noun or pronoun sustains to some other word.
  • To propose hypothetical cases.
  • A degeneration of animal tissue into a cheesy or curdy mass.
  • Of or pertaining to cheese; as, caseic acid.
  • Having a casement or casements.
  • A window sash opening on hinges affixed to the upright side of the frame into which it is fitted. (Poetically) A window.
  • Of, pertaining to, or resembling, cheese; having the qualities of cheese; cheesy.
  • Same as Casein.
  • To embrace.
  • An action at law; a suit in equity or admiralty; any legal proceeding before a court for the enforcement of a claim.
  • Such as can be litigated.
  • To make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, exhibition of evidence, and judicial debate in a court; as, to litigate a cause.
  • To carry on a suit by judicial process.
  • of Litigate
  • The act or process of litigating; a suit at law; a judicial contest.
  • Inclined to judicial contest; given to the practice of contending in law; guarrelsome; contentious; fond of litigation.
  • Subject to contention; disputable; controvertible; debatable; doubtful; precarious.
  • Of or pertaining to legal disputes.
  • In a litigious manner.
  • The state of being litigious; disposition to engage in or carry on lawsuits.
  • The act or process of prosecuting, or of endeavoring to gain or accomplish something; pursuit by efforts of body or mind; as, the prosecution of a scheme, plan, design, or undertaking; the prosecution of war.
  • The institution and carrying on of a suit in a court of law or equity, to obtain some right, or to redress and punish some wrong; the carrying on of a judicial proceeding in behalf of a complaining party, as distinguished from defense.
  • The institution, or commencement, and continuance of a criminal suit; the process of exhibiting formal charges against an offender before a legal tribunal, and pursuing them to final judgment on behalf of the state or government, as by indictment or information.
  • The party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted.
  • To follow up; to chase; to seek after; to endeavor to win; to woo.
  • To seek justice or right from, by legal process; to institute process in law against; to bring an action against; to prosecute judicially.
  • To proceed with, as an action, and follow it up to its proper termination; to gain by legal process.
  • To clean, as the beak; -- said of a hawk.
  • To leave high and dry on shore; as, to sue a ship.
  • To seek by request; to make application; to petition; to entreat; to plead.
  • To prosecute; to make legal claim; to seek (for something) in law; as, to sue for damages.
  • To woo; to pay addresses as a lover.
  • To be left high and dry on the shore, as a ship.
  • of Sue
  • Uniformly or evenly distributed or spread; even; smooth. See Suant.
  • In succession; afterwards.
  • The process of soaking through anything.
  • The act of following or pursuing, as game; pursuit.
  • The act of suing; the process by which one endeavors to gain an end or an object; an attempt to attain a certain result; pursuit; endeavor.
  • The act of wooing in love; the solicitation of a woman in marriage; courtship.
  • The attempt to gain an end by legal process; an action or process for the recovery of a right or claim; legal application to a court for justice; prosecution of right before any tribunal; as, a civil suit; a criminal suit; a suit in chancery.
  • That which follows as a retinue; a company of attendants or followers; the assembly of persons who attend upon a prince, magistrate, or other person of distinction; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t.
  • Things that follow in a series or succession; the individual objects, collectively considered, which constitute a series, as of rooms, buildings, compositions, etc.; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t.
  • A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united in order to answer their purpose; a number of things ordinarily classed or used together; a set; as, a suit of curtains; a suit of armor; a suit of clothes.
  • One of the four sets of cards which constitute a pack; -- each set consisting of thirteen cards bearing a particular emblem, as hearts, spades, cubs, or diamonds.
  • Regular order; succession.
  • To fit; to adapt; to make proper or suitable; as, to suit the action to the word.
  • To be fitted to; to accord with; to become; to befit.
  • To dress; to clothe.
  • To please; to make content; as, he is well suited with his place; to suit one's taste.
  • To agree; to accord; to be fitted; to correspond; -- usually followed by with or to.

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